Expose a clearButton API configuration that will remove or add the clear button from the Form
Currently, in order to omit the Clear Button from the Form, a programmatical or styling approach should be embarked. However, based on demand, client would find it more intuitive if this operation can be performed through a built-in configuration.
<script> $("#myForm").kendoForm({ formData: { ID: 1, Name: "Ivan", Address: "Sofia" }, clearButton: false, }); </script>
An error is thrown when you try to clear a Form with an Upload or any other widget that does not have a "value" method.
Workaround: https://dojo.telerik.com/@iankodj/oLAKiCuK/2
An error is thrown when you hit the clear button.
No error should be thrown when the clear button is hit.
TypeScript definition missing for kendoForm
Open the typescript/kendo.all.d.ts file and search for kendoForm
kendoForm should be defined.
When submitting a form, its data is being sent multiple times to the backend.
Check the example on ticket 1468553.
Once submitted, the form's data is sent multiple times to the backend
Form's data should be sent to the controller only once
Please support the plain TextBox as a valid editor within form configuration. There are times when I would like to put a number into a plain textbox and apply custom code to that rather than use a NumericTextBox.
{ field: "uploaded", label: "A Label", validation: { required: true }, colSpan: 3, editor: "TextBox" }
Please document an example of editor as a function.
A simple example could be a password field: https://dojo.telerik.com/@GaloisGirl/ARIGOmUj
Expected result:
Actual result:
Just add return before "validator.validate();" in method "validate".