Last Updated: 11 Apr 2022 07:37 by ADMIN

I am running into inconsistencies when using the toolbar Search input of a File Manager object after navigating to new folders.  

Simple dojo for reference - https://dojo.telerik.com/aPOtiXex/2

Steps to reproduce

  1. Click on "Folder1" in the treeview.
  2. In the Toolbar Search, enter the text "Sub 1001".  This will correctly filter the displayed items.
  3. Click on "Sub 1001" in the treeview.  Notice that the search filter is still in place, but that it is not applied to the current folder view.
  4. In the Toolbar Search, remove the text 1 character at a time.  Notice that as you remove characters in the Search input, the filter IS applied to the current folder view.  Continue removing characters until the Search input is empty.
  5. Click on "Folder1" in the treeview.  Notice that the contents of the folder are STILL filtered as if the Search filter was "Sub 1001", even though Search input is currently empty.
  6. In the Toolbar Search, add 1 space character, then remove it.  Notice that this finally clears the filter applied to the folcer in step #2.

I am not sure what the best answer for this scenario would be.  Maybe navigating to a new folder should clear the search filter criteria in the toolbar and clear any applied filter criteria to the previous folder?  Or maybe the toolbar search input should be reset to accurately reflect the current applied filter for the folder on navigate?  Something good for your dev team to discuss, but it is clear that the current implementation will create some confusion for users.

Last Updated: 06 Feb 2024 13:33 by Bayada

Bug report

In the FileManager, if you configure the Grid as editable through the views.grid option, clicking on the editable Grid cells results in duplicated row data.

Workaround: - use the setOptions method to enable editing in the Grid - https://dojo.telerik.com/uMAxULUR/4

Reproduction of the problem

  1. Open this Dojo example - https://dojo.telerik.com/uMAxULUR/7
  2. Select the Grid View
  3. Click on the Documents cell and then the Images cell several times, without making any changes

Current behavior

The row data is duplicated

Expected/desired behavior

The row data shouldn't be duplicated


  • Kendo UI version: 2024.1.130
  • Browser: [all]
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