Last Updated: 23 Jun 2022 10:15 by ADMIN

### Bug report

When the Kendo UI ScrollView widget is bound to local data and the property "navigatable" is set to "true", it cannot be navigated once the last item is reached. 

### Reproduction of the problem

  1. Create a navigatable ScrollView widget;

  2. Create a DataSource with local data and bind it to the ScrollView widget;

  3. Use the keyboard or mouse navigation to reach the last item;

  4. Continue navigating after the last item and observe the paging behavior. The last page is repeated.

A Dojo sample for reproduction:

### Expected/desired behavior

The ScrollView widget should not allow going past the last item/page via the keyboard/mouse navigation.

### Environment

* **Kendo UI version:** 2021.1.330
* **jQuery version: 1.12.4
* **Browser:** [all]

Last Updated: 18 Dec 2020 09:02 by ADMIN
Release 2021.R1
Created by: Senura D
Comments: 4
Category: ScrollView
Type: Feature Request

According to this link (KendoUI for Angular) it says "Once the component is focused, the user can navigate with the Left Arrow and Right Arrow keys".

And you can see that it works as stated above in this example KendoUI for Angular ScrollView.


However, KendoUI for jQuery ScrollView does not seem to have this left and right key navigation option. Is it actually not supported in KendoUI for jQuery ScrollView? How can I add the support for the left and right arrow keys in this scenario?

