It would be very interesting to be able to use the CRUD operations of the DataSource associated with the ListBox, to reflect on the server the changes made to the ListBox widget. CRUD methods are not currently executed after making changes and calling the DataSource sync method.
When moving all the items from the right ListBox to the left, an error is thrown on the console.
Regression with 2022.3.1109
kendo.ui.ListBox.ToolBar.fn._focusTool = function() {
if(this.element) {
An error is thrown.
No errors should be thrown.
The ListBox toolbar buttons are not visible if you set toolbar position to "bottom"
Regression with v2023.1.314
Open this Dojo example -
The toolbar buttons are not visible
The toolbar buttons should be visible on the bottom
When the user click on the buttons in the ListBox the focus is alwasy moved to the first button.
The first button ('up arrow') is getting focused.
The clicked button should remain focused.