Currently, after export to excel and opening the exported file again in Spreadsheet, the row heights for rows with predefined height change. The above could be easily observed on the Index demo:
* initially, the height of the top row is set to 70px;
* export the Spreadsheet to Excel;
* after re-importing the above file, the height of the first row "Invoice #52" becomes 81px without any apparent reason.
Values that are copied from Spreadsheet are duplicated when pasted in Excel if before that the copied cells have been cut and pasted inside the Spreadsheet.
In Excel, the first row is duplicated and the pasted content contains 3 rows, while 2 rows are copied
The pasted in Excel content should contain 2 rows instead of 3
Hi Team,
I'd like to request a way to manipulate a large amount of cell groups in the Kendo UI Spreadsheet without decreasing performance. For example, I'd like to be able to merge/unmerge and change font size to multiple specific cell groups. I understand changing multiple DOM elements at the same time can cause sluggishness, but maybe there's a way to reduce the time. Currently, it's taking a long time to completely load.
Thank you for investigating.
Excel file is corrupted when it is created with the kendo.ooxml.Workbook toDataURL method, using stringified sheet data:
let dataURL = new kendo.ooxml.Workbook(JSON.stringify(data)).toDataURL();
If the data is passed to the Workbook without stringifying it, this causes a circular reference error (check the console).
let dataURL = new kendo.ooxml.Workbook(data).toDataURL();
Dojo example.
The generated Excel file is corrupted
The generated Excel file is not corrupted
Working with numbers like 0.000001056 in a Spreadsheet that is bound to a dataSource, after saving the dataSource, the mentioned number will be converted to an exponential format.
The current feature request is about preventing the format changing after saving decimal numbers.
It will be very useful if we can use the Spreadsheet with dataSource binding but keep the decimal numbers as such, not converting them to exponential expressions.
In the Spreadsheet control for jQuery it is possible to set cells as read-only through the use of the Enable property.
However, on calling saveAsExcel() these cells are editable. This means as a developer it is then necessary to create both the spreadsheet JSON (for Kendo Spreadsheet) as well as another spreadsheet class to export to Excel.
Could you please map the Cell.Enable property to the setting of Excel cells as disabled/read-only. Thanks 👍
I checked out the feature request provisions on your site. Since I'd like to include photos with my description, I'm hoping that it is okay that I send this to you for forwarding on to the appropriate audience. My feature request involves the spreadsheet control in Kendo's JQuery controls The request is for an attribute to be added to a cell of a spreadsheet which can be used by JQuery to associate the HTML dom element with the spreadsheet's javascript model. Here is why: In needing to place things in the cells of spreadsheets (such as images and my own custom controls) as can be seen in my images 1 and 2, it is necessary to know which div.k-spreadsheet-cell corresponds with a kendo javascript spreadsheet cell. As a work around, I have given my custom controls an index number. In the kendo javascript object, I set the cell's background color to the same value as that index. This gave me two benefits: 1) it put a characteristic on the cell's div object that could identify the cell; 2) it rendered the cell even if it had no content--this is particularly important. In my image 4, you can see the background color attribute of a cell div. In image 3, you can see my collection of custom controls. Each of my div.custom-control has a control_index property. I have a routine that runs periodically to reckon the location and size of each control whose background color is set to a value matching one of my cell's control indices. Once located, the controls are laid down onto their respective cells at their appropriate size (or made invisible if the target cell is scrolled off of the container). This work around contains a lot of painful overhead. For instance, when a spreadsheet is first rendered, I have to traverse the div.k-spreadsheet-cell elements to check their background color attributes. If they qualify, a css class must be placed on the cell so that a black cell isn't presented in the time that it takes to reckon and position my custom controls. If there were a 'tag' attribute that could be added to a cell's javascript model and that tag was ascribed to the div.k-spreadsheet-cell element (AND make the element render even if it is otherwise trivial), this operation would be a lot easier. I think that I'm not the only one who would like to take some control over the dom objects of the spreadsheet control. I would be happy to discuss this further with anybody who is interested. Thanks, Doug
Currently, the sheets in the Spreadsheet component can be reordered. It will be a very useful feature if we can configure the component in a way this reordering can be disabled.
Thus the users won't be able to move the sheets' tabs.
Allowing custom editors to be inline would be very helpful. In particular, inline editors using other Kendo controls (e.g. masked textbox, numeric textbox) should be possible.
Hi Team,
I would like to request the Kendo UI Spreadsheet to be able to validate by Text Length instead of using custom validation. This would help with importing xlsx files which have text length validation.
Thank you!
Hi ,
we have a requirement to disable comment option on click of few cells (which are disabled) or to show a toastr message on click of comment that user can't add comment on specific cell. Do you have any such feature or event to track this requirement .
Ability to set a cell with font Strikethrough
By default the items in filter are in random order. Can we sort the items in ascending order by default.
1. Open "Sample Kendo UI SpreadSheet Example.html" attached html file in the chrome browser.
2. Click on open button in the Toolbar of the spreadsheet.
3. Select "Sample Excel with Font Colors.xlsx" attached excel file. This excel file contains headers with background color and Rows with ForeColors.
4. Now when the file is loaded, you will observe that B2, B3 and B5 should come up in Red fore color but the fore color of these cell in the kendo spread sheet is Black.
5. Similarly C2 to C5 should come in Green color but the fore color in the spreadsheet is black.
Query: Kindly let me know how can we achieve the fore color present in the excel sheet show show up in the Kendo UI Spreadsheet?
The Spreadsheet doesn't' load correctly Excel files which definition of the tag is a single cell, instead of a cell range.
Test files:
The The "test.xlsx" file is not loading correctly in the Spreadsheet and loses data
The "test.xlsx" file should load correctly in the Spreadsheet without losing data
Dear Concerned,
1. Open
2. Import attached Book21.xlsx file
3. I have first row as frozen pane and columns C, D are hidden
4. Select columns B to E using mouse drag & then right click on selected column , it does not show Unhide option, because on right click it keeps the selection only on column E
It does not work if we keep Freeze Panes.
Hi Team,
I would like to request the Kendo UI Grid to improve performance when evaluating multiple formulas. At this point, if I use a formula on multiple rows(over 1500 rows), the page slows and eventually crashes. This happens when I use the fromFile method too.
Thank you for the consideration!