Last Updated: 28 Sep 2020 09:34 by ADMIN
Created by: Mitchell
Comments: 1
Category: DateRange
Type: Bug Report

The date range picker is not closing when tabbing through inputs when the picker is appended to the 'component'. It also seems that once the date range picker loses focus, it does not close by clicking anywhere else in the document until it regains focus again or the document loses focus.


I reproduced it in Stackblitz and attached a video. In the video there is a button after the date picker that logs to the console when it gains focus. Focus starts at the top of the document, start tabbing until the date range picker pops up, then continue tabbing through the date range picker until the button below the picker gains focus. As you can see the date range picker does not close. Here is the Stackblitz editor link to this: https://stackblitz.com/edit/kendo-daterange-bug?file=app/app.component.ts


