Hi Team,
I am currently binding the Timeline component to an array of a custom type. Currently, the only option to display any of the custom properties is to map them to already existing properties of the TimelineEvent interface using the modelFields property.
I would like to request the addition of a designated property in the TimelineEvent interface that references the original data item and allows me to display its properties similar to the SchedulerEvent interface:
Currently, when the Timeline has a horizontal orientation configured, only one event at a time can display its details - the selected one.
It would be great if multiple events could be visible at once in horizontal orientation as well similar to the rendering of the vertical orientation of the Timeline.
Currently, there is no built-in option that allows custom styles to be applied to the elements of the timeline axis, like the axis line, the circles, etc.
Please provide such an option for the Timeline component out of the box that will allow customizing the styling of the axis elements, e.g. setting a different color, border and so on.