Last Updated: 18 Jul 2023 15:33 by ADMIN

My users have the requirement to have a range from +3 through to -3 with a step of 1. Provide an option to start at max then go to min. i.e to have a higher min than max

Last Updated: 01 Dec 2022 09:08 by ADMIN

FR displaying long labels

If the labels are long, having all displayed below or on top of the slider would result in a messy layout.

Instead an option to place every odd item to the top and every even item (label) on the bottom would allow for longer texts

Furthermore missing in documentation:

The [title] input won't work without setting [largeStep] as well.

Furthermore missing in documentation:

The callback to the [title] input has to be a fat-arrow function,

or an extra patch is needed (as the UI component currently 2019/10/30) this.getStepLabelNotWorking = this.getStepLabelNotWorking.bind(this); as inside a classic function the this refers not to the class itself, but to the component. IMO this is a BUG! See:

Last Updated: 30 Oct 2019 10:37 by balazs
Created by: Lance
Comments: 2
Category: Slider
Type: Feature Request
Please add the option of having labels for ticks in the Slider control.