Timeline headers currently have the option to set a TimelineHeaderDateFormat.
It's still not possible to set a custom template to show additional text or more than one group header.
It would be nice to have something like a TimeLineHeaderGroupTemplate and a TimeLineHeaderColumnTemplate just like similiar kendo controls.
Provide a marker of the current date, just like the current time marker in Scheduler:
Currently, there is no way to format the dates in the timeline headers of the Gantt component.
It would be beneficial if developers do have the option to format the dates or in some way control the content of the header. For example, "Sun 1/06" can be displayed differently, e.g. something along the lines of "Sun Aug 1" or "Sun 01.06", etc.
When the content in certain cells of two tables is larger and causes a difference in row height, it is necessary to synchronize the heights of both tables. This ensures consistency and alignment between the tables despite the varying cell content that is set inside the cell template.
Example - https://stackblitz.com/edit/angular-myqo7k-aqhaqs?file=src%2Fapp%2Fapp.component.ts
Currently it is not possible to customize the content of the built-in Gantt editing Dialog, and the only option is creating a custom Dialog, and opening it by handling other Gantt events like taskClick/taskDblClick.
Adding a Dialog template that will be rendered within the built-in editing Dialog would be a nice enhancement enabling developers to have their custom content while still keeping the built-in Gantt editing mechanics and events.
For further fine-grained tuning, separate templates for the content of each TabStrip tab (General, Predecessors, Successors) would also prove useful.
Currently, the Kendo UI for Angular Gantt component supports the following views:
Please provide a built-in Year view for the widget.
It will be a good addition for the developers to be able to create custom views for the Gantt component.
Thank you for your consideration.
The provided class is only appended on the row elements of the left side, but not inside the task timeline :(
Hi team,
It would be a nice addition to the component if "actual vs planned" functionality was added similar to the jQuery counterpart:
Currently, the developer can provide a start and end Day of a Work Week and start and end time (HH:mm) of a Work Day.
Please provide options to create a custom view by setting a start, end view Date and range(something like startViewDate and endViewDate). This would be similar the the Kendo UI for jQuery API:
Please provide an Excel Export feature for the Gantt