Last Updated: 16 Jan 2023 14:22 by ADMIN

Given a file is selected using the fileselect component

And one or more of the restrictions bound to the control are violated

The error message that is displayed should be configurable


For example, if the maxFileSize restriction has been set to 20mb and a file larger than that is selected, the control currently displays some error text to the user as follows: "File size too large". It would be beneficial if we could override this message so it (for example) could say "File size too large. The maximum file size is 20mb".

Last Updated: 09 Jun 2021 15:37 by ADMIN
I'm using FileSelect as part of a reactive form.  I set file restrictions for allowedExtentions and maxFileSize.  If one of the files violate these restrictions, I would expect the form and the form control to have an error, but both are in VALID state.