Need More Info
Last Updated: 15 Jul 2024 07:33 by ADMIN
Created by: Paul
Comments: 3
Category: TabStrip
Type: Bug Report

I recently received an email from one of our users stating that the scroll buttons on the tabstrip have stopped working. I have just upgraded to Angular 17 and latest of progress controls so not sure if that is what did it but these buttons have been working since implementation.  I am puzzled as to what is now missing and or caused the buttons to stop working. They do display correctly when the screen size changes and not all tabs are on the screen. However, when you click either forward or back, nothing happens.

I anticipate that I will be asked to create a reproduction of this and send it to kendo, but was hoping that someone could take a look at our application to see if something is missing or if it can be determined what is causing the issue? This is a huge application and depends on data to run so it would take quite some time to get it down to something I can send as a repro.  See page

What makes it worse is that we also have another application that was spawned from the shell the Tropicos app and for the most part uses the same packages. This application also gets updated at the same time as Tropicos as well.  This application however is not seeing the same problems with tab strip buttons. See

If I must spend the time to strip the application down to a page that causes the issue, I can. But, again, this would take quite a bit of time and we are a small development shop so hoping looking at the apps I posted will help to find the issue.