We want to show only workdays (weekends hidden) on more than one week. Please provide a numberOfDays functionality in WokWeek view, so that we can define the number of days without weekends.
Modify the Kendo-recurrence-editor with the Frequency field. The current Kendo-recurrence-editor does not provide the flexibility of configuring an event multiple times in a day. For example, if there is a requirement to schedule an event twice a day, there is no way to do it.
Kendo Recurrence Editor -
Required Kendo Recurrence Editor(Frequency field added and it will be visible for all type of occurrence other than 'Never') -
Ticket ref# - https://www.telerik.com/account/support-tickets/view-ticket/1440368
Hi, Team!
I would like to be able to set specific events in Scheduler to a fixed time zone rather than setting the whole component to a specific time zone.
When we click on any day in "Month view", the control should navigate to "Day view" and show a list of events scheduled for that day. Please refer to the screenshot attached.
Is it possible to create customized Angular Scheduler Event Forms?
I looked at the example from your documentation and I don't see a way to add additional form controls?
It will be a good addition to the Multi-Week view if a header template was introduced to customize the content inside the header.
It will be a good addition to the component if separate events are fired when the user makes choice inside the `Edit Recurring Item` dialog.
That will help developers to execute additional logic upon user interaction.
Thank you for your consideration.
Hello! My team has identified a need for an extended hours indicator for the scheduler, hopefully this is the correct place to put in a feature request! Essentially, my team would like the ability to indicate that appointments exist for the current day, but those appointments are outside of the standard set working hours and thus not shown on the scheduler. On the below screenshot of a different scheduler, an arrow is circled in red on the bottom. That arrow indicates that there is an appointment outside the current viewed schedule for that day. Would you be open to implementing a feature like this one day?
The ability to to drag and drop a event into and out of the scheduler control is required.
This would allow for more complex UI's allowing users to drag from multiple scheduler or from other controls
It will be a nice enhancement to the component if the drag selection of the Scheduler supports mobile device input.
Thank you for your consideration.
Hi Team,
Currently, the Month view renders all the events even the non-visible ones which cause performance issues when using the event template. It will be a good improvement if only the visible events render and when the user clicks the `loadMore` button, to load the ones for the specific day. This should improve the overall performance of the component.
Thank you for your consideration.
I am looking for the ability to alter the date range in the month view such that a month view for TODAY - 3/24/2022 would show 3/20 - 3/26. Where TODAY would be in the first row of date slots that get rendered.
We need a "month view" that can not have the first week rendered vary by date. (outlook calendar month view does this) see attached.
(for further reference please see private support thread: 1443943)
The Month View in the Scheduler displays 6 weeks, and we sought to change this to just the 4 weeks in the current month, rather than showing 1.5 - 2 weeks of the following month as well. Could it possibly be made configurable to set the number of weeks, or perhaps a toggle to enable/disable extra days/weeks that are not in the current month?
I have a data source where the events only have date ranges without time, and for each event I know if it's morning only, afternoon only or full day.
For such a data source, it doesn't really help to display all the times of the day in the Scheduler views. I'd like to just have three categories that reflect my data source: morning only, afternoon only or full day. Is there some way to customize the Scheduler like this?
Please provide an example demonstrating how to import from iCal and export to iCal similar to the following one:
but for the Kendo UI for Angular Scheduler component.
thank you
Please add templates that allow customizing the loading indicators for the Scheduler and Autocomplete components (and any other component that has a loading indicator). Such templates would be similar to the kendoGridLoadingTemplate available in the Grid.
Thank you