Currently, it is not possible to enter a date that falls exactly on a Daylight Saving time.
Check the following example where it is not possible to enter 3 for the hours' section (it is also not possible to select 3 from the TimePicker popup):
That behavior is expected as there is no such time in the Bulgarian time zone. Daylight saving time begins on 30 March 2025 03:00 when the time is moved 1 hour forward.
The demonstrated undesired behavior for the specific date will be reproducible only if the example is opened in the specified time zone. But the same behavior is valid for any other date that falls on Daylight Saving time in other time zones.
We should decide on what the expected behavior is for such cases. For example not allowing entering the value, displaying an error, auto-switching to the real hour (4 AM), etc.
Add a close button to clear value just like ComboBox.
Currently, `week` is missing as an option in the DateInputCustomFormatPlaceholder and would be a good addition to the API.
To my users the auto-tab behavior confusing because when they type '1/', focus auto-tabs to the day section (US Format), but when they type '8/', focus is on the year because it already auto-tabbed after the 8 and then they have to back up to get focus to the day. I would like to be able to configure the auto-tab behavior so that the DateInput only auto-tabs when they type '/' or when a section is full (i.e. disable smart auto-tabbing).
Hi Team!
As of now, when the DateInputs components are in adaptive mode, there is no option for clearing their value. I would like to have an option for such a feature.
Below are some features we would like to have
Optionally remove the date input mask, so user will be able to type the date as free text field
- But when invalid, should change to previous value on blur
- Also to navigate out of datepickers user have to press tab multiple times
- Copy paste date should work as in free text field
- Select full date by mouse double click to copy
- User is responsible to copy date in proper format to work, or it should fall back to previous value
Next previous option in calendar view
- Next previous button in the calendar view instead of left navigation section
As we had discussed to be in feature request at:
We already have similar feature requested as we know:
Thank youLike there was in the NG1 component, I am looking for a way to make it possible for the user to enter the date with the keyboard in different formats (e.g.D.M.YY, D.M.YYYY, DD.MM.YY, DD.MM.YYYY)
With the jQuery controls you had a nice feature that you could add multiple parse formats in which the value could be parsed and have a single one for displaying the value. In the Angular implementation you are limited to a single format that the user should follow, which is very inconvenient as different users are used to type differently.
Would be nice to allow users to type a value in any format that is appropriate for their locale. For example I might want to accept M/d/yy
, M/d/yyyy
, M/d
for dates, for example, and the date to "autocomplete" to the correct value once the user looses focus.