So far the ContextMenu component provides a built-in appendTo property which can be used to define the container to which the popup will be appended. But it cannot be used to set a custom container for all ContextMenu popups used in the application.
Provide a way to define a custom global container to which all ContextMenu popups will be appended. The same is provided for the Kendo UI for Angular Popup using the POPUP_CONTAINER:
Adding a visible property will be helpful for developers to hide or show items depending on specific conditions or MenuItem collection similar to the disabled property.
Add the Select Event of the Context-Menu on Item Level:
<kendo-contextmenu [target]="target" showOn="click" (select)="handleSelection($event)">
<kendo-menu-item text="download" icon="k-icon k-i-download" (select)="uploadClick()">
<kendo-menu-item text="upload" icon="k-icon k-i-download" (select)="downloadClick()">
If there would be a "Select" event on the "kendo-menu-item" Component, there would no need for extra code to call the desired function.
At the moment, a handleSelction-function is needed to check the selected item and call the desired action. The (select) on the item does nothing.
public uploadClick(){
public downloadClick() {
public handleSelection(event: ContextMenuSelectEvent) {
if (event) {
if(event.index === "0"){
else {
I would like to customize the direction of my context menu (I would like to always open/expand it to the left).
I looked it up, and it seems there was an option available in the JQuery version called "direction" (
I couldn't find this option in the Angular version that's why I am submitting this feature request.
Thank you