Last Updated: 18 Apr 2022 13:47 by ADMIN
Release R2 2022
When this type of section break is used, the next section should start on the same page instead on the next one.
Last Updated: 13 Apr 2022 09:33 by ADMIN
Created by: Andy
Comments: 2
Category: WordsProcessing
Type: Feature Request
Add Mail Merge events.
Last Updated: 12 Apr 2022 15:07 by ADMIN
Release R2 2022
Floating images positioned outside of page borders are moved inside the page when converting to PDF.
Last Updated: 12 Apr 2022 14:57 by ADMIN
Release R2 2022

When calling the MailMerge method on a RadFlowDocument, which includes an IF field, where no FalseText (value to display when the expression evaluates to FALSE) is defined the following exception is thrown System.NullReferenceException: 'Object reference not set to an instance of an object.'

Workaround: Setting a string (empty works too) for the FalseText. 
When the document is passed to the following method, all IF fields are edited so that the exception is not thrown:

private void EmptyIfSecondArgumentWorkaround(RadFlowDocument document)
	List<FieldCharacter> collection = document.EnumerateChildrenOfType<FieldCharacter>().Where(f => f.FieldCharacterType == FieldCharacterType.Start).ToList();

	for (int i = 0; i < collection.Count; i++)
		FieldInfo item = collection[i].FieldInfo;
		string code = item.GetCode();
		FieldCharacter separator = item.Separator;
		FieldCharacter end = item.End;

		if (code.TrimStart().StartsWith("IF"))
			FieldCharacter codeEnd;
			if (separator.Paragraph != null)
				codeEnd = separator;
				codeEnd = end;
			string emptyString = " \"\" ";
			string mergeFormatCodeSuffix = "\\*";
			if (codeEnd.Paragraph.Inlines.Count > 1)

				string editedMergeFormatCodeSuffix = string.Join("", new string[] { emptyString, mergeFormatCodeSuffix });
				int codeEndIndex = codeEnd.Paragraph.Inlines.IndexOf(codeEnd);
				Run run = codeEnd.Paragraph.Inlines[codeEndIndex - 1] as Run;
				if (run.Text.Contains(mergeFormatCodeSuffix))
					run.Text=run.Text.Replace(mergeFormatCodeSuffix, editedMergeFormatCodeSuffix);
					run.Text += emptyString;

Last Updated: 08 Apr 2022 14:05 by ADMIN
Release LIB 2022.1.411 (11 Apr 2022)
RichTextBox: InvalidCastException when importing a file with a drawing containing NonVisualConnectorProperties
Last Updated: 31 Mar 2022 07:21 by Sumair
The column with is not exported correctly when converting from HTML to DOCX
Last Updated: 25 Mar 2022 15:16 by ADMIN
Release R2 2022
Field code fragment is added to the result fragment and exported to PDF/HTML format. The problem is observed when the code fragment is divided into multiple inlines.

For example we have PAGE field. If 'A' is bold we would have 3 inlines (runs) in the instruction text and the issue would be observed.
Last Updated: 15 Mar 2022 10:27 by ADMIN
Release R2 2022
InvalidOperationException: 'The start index of the cell could not miss.' or ArgumentOutOfRangeException is thrown during the import of the document while calculating the cells that need to be merged.
Last Updated: 11 Mar 2022 10:00 by Devan
The property controls whether all the lines of a paragraph should be rendered on the same page when the document is shown in page view mode.
Last Updated: 04 Mar 2022 12:58 by ADMIN
Release LIB 2022.1.307 (07 Mar 2021)
When a document containing a field without a separator is inserted using the RadFlowDocumentEditor.InsertDocument(*) method, NullRferenceException is thrown.

Workaround: Fix the document before inserting: 

private static void WorkaroundFieldsIssue(RadFlowDocument flowdocument)
    foreach (FieldCharacter fieldCharacter in flowdocument.EnumerateChildrenOfType<FieldCharacter>().ToList())
        // only for start
        if (fieldCharacter.FieldCharacterType == FieldCharacterType.Start)
            if (fieldCharacter.FieldInfo.Separator != null && fieldCharacter.FieldInfo.Separator.Parent == null)
                Paragraph parent = fieldCharacter.FieldInfo.End.Paragraph;
                int index = parent.Inlines.IndexOf(fieldCharacter.FieldInfo.End);

                fieldCharacter.FieldInfo.End.Paragraph.Inlines.Insert(index, fieldCharacter.FieldInfo.Separator);
Last Updated: 15 Feb 2022 16:56 by Joshua
Created by: Deyan
Comments: 1
Category: WordsProcessing
Type: Feature Request
Add support for smart tags (described in the OOXML using the smartTag element). As currently smart tags are not supported, the content inside them is not imported from docx.
Last Updated: 13 Feb 2022 17:23 by Indra
Both properties table cell padding and table cell spacing are not exported to PDF format.
Last Updated: 08 Feb 2022 15:16 by ADMIN
Release R1 2022 SP1

When a field is formatted using the numberInDash format through the section's PageNumberingSettings, the format is not parsed and the field result is not included in the PDF document.

Workaround: Remove the formatting from the section settings:

foreach (var section in this.document.Sections)
    section.PageNumberingSettings.PageNumberFormat = null;

Last Updated: 07 Feb 2022 14:41 by ADMIN
Release R1 2022 SP1
When the content control is the first element of a paragraph inside a table cell and doesn't have content, NullReferenceException is thrown while parsing the document.
Last Updated: 03 Feb 2022 07:45 by ADMIN
Release R1 2022 SP1
The exception is thrown for documents that contain a repeating section that spans over the whole content of a table cell. Also, the content should contain more than one paragraph.
Last Updated: 01 Feb 2022 15:05 by ADMIN
Release R1 2022 SP1
Importing docx file throws System.InvalidOperationException "Hierarchical Index is empty" when importing a specific file.
Last Updated: 01 Feb 2022 14:13 by ADMIN

Importing document with invalid bookmarks throws System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException. The issue is caused by an invalid bookmark having missing BookmarkRangeStart/bookmarkStart or BookmarkRangeEnd/bookmarkEnd elements.

Last Updated: 27 Jan 2022 15:56 by ADMIN
Internally, the WebClient class is used to load external resources. This class is not supported in Blazor and WordsProcessing should provide a mechanism for loading the resource.
Last Updated: 20 Jan 2022 08:21 by ADMIN
Release R1 2022
Created by: Deyan
Comments: 2
Category: WordsProcessing
Type: Feature Request
In WordsProcessing you could set 

table.Alignment = Telerik.Windows.Documents.Flow.Model.Styles.Alignment.Center;

But when the document is exported to PDF, this is not respected.
Last Updated: 20 Jan 2022 08:20 by ADMIN
Release R1 2022
Created by: Deyan
Comments: 17
Category: WordsProcessing
Type: Feature Request
Implement nested mail merge and master-detail scenario.