Adding a table with the same code leads to different results
When adding 10 identical tables onŠµ or more have missing rows at the bottom. The seems to be caused by the text measurement.
When importing such documents an InvalidDataException (Unknown compression method <method-name>) is thrown.
According to the current .ZIP File Format Specification these methods are 7, 11, 13, 15, and 17.
Compression method:
PDF / X: the X stands for exchange; a PDF / X document can in principle be processed by any printing company. This means, for example, that only CMYK colors may be used, that all fonts must be present in the PDF, that the document must not be encrypted, and so on.
With the current implementation, the Standard Fonts preloaded in the FontsRepository cannot be replaced.
Attempting to open a Pdf document containing an unsupported action type results in a NotSupportedActionException being thrown (see PdfProcessing: Add support for actions of type Launch).
Can the behavior be changed to ignore unsupported actions and allow the document to be opened?
With the current implementation, the Trigger Events are skippet on import.
From the PDF Specification: An annotation, page object, or interactive form field may include an entry named AA that specifies an additional-actions dictionary that extends the set of events that can trigger the execution of an action.
Hello Support,
I am generating pdf using PdfFormatProvider. In this i am passing html data which should be converted into pdf. For that I have written below code.
HtmlFormatProvider htmlFormatProvider = new HtmlFormatProvider(); RadFlowDocument htmlDocument = htmlFormatProvider.Import(htmlContentValue); var anotherpara = sectionBody.Blocks.AddParagraph(); editor.MoveToParagraphStart(anotherpara); editor.InsertDocument(htmlDocument, options);
This works fine and also get pdf with expected value. But I would like to set spacing between two lines which I could not set or its not working. For that I have added below code.
I have also attached screenshot for it. like how its showing on pdf
editor.ParagraphFormatting.AutomaticSpacingAfter.LocalValue = false; editor.ParagraphFormatting.AutomaticSpacingBefore.LocalValue = false; editor.ParagraphFormatting.SpacingAfter.LocalValue = 0; editor.ParagraphFormatting.SpacingBefore.LocalValue = 0;
So could you please let me know fix for it.
When exporting merged documents when they are imported with ImportSettings set to ReadOnDemand an exception is thrown: KeyNotFoundException: 'The given key was not present in the dictionary.'
When using the RadFixedDocument.Pages.AddPage() method RadFixedPages are created without PageNumber set.
Such behavior is observed when exporting a RadFlowDocument to a RadFixedDocument using the ExportToFixedDocument as well.