Last Updated: 13 Jul 2023 07:54 by ADMIN
Release 4.4.0 (07/19/2023) (R3 PI1)
Created by: Philip
Comments: 0
Category: PivotGrid
Type: Feature Request
I'd like to be able to set width to the columns to ensure the data inside them will be visible. Similar to
Last Updated: 27 Jun 2023 14:18 by ADMIN
Created by: Philip
Comments: 5
Category: PivotGrid
Type: Feature Request


Just testing the new PivotGrid and a few features seem missing which may be critical and I cannot see an easy way to customise via templates or the like.
Apologies in advance if I have just missed it in the documentation or my understanding.

In my opinion, the main purpose a developer would put a PivotGrid into a web application;

  • To simplify data "slicing and dicing" for users not comfortable with tools such as Excel/PowerBI, and reduce the need to export to Excel.
  • To synchronise a pivotGrid view with other components/controls and/or charts on the page



  1. No width parameter: This seems quite critical for general formatting purposes
  2. No mouse hover: Considering there is no width parameter, then there should at least a mouse hover so that the user can hover to see content which has been cut-off due to insufficient width (like the TelerikGrid).
  3. Defer Layout Update: By default the telerik PivotGrid is always deferring the layout change. Usually on PivotGrids (Excel / PowerBI) there is a tick-box to allow the user to choose. For performant pivot tables, there is no need to defer the layout allowing for quick anaytics.
  4. No "Title" attribute or alias for xmla fields: There is no property to rename fields in the xmla dataset, so the user needs to see the full [Table].[ColumnName] attributes in its raw form (which ends up being quite ugly and potentially confusing for the user).
    eg: <PivotGridRow Name="[Product].[Category]"></PivotGridRow>
  5. No event handlers: I cannot see any event handlers at all on this control? There are many user-triggered events which could be triggered within the GridConfigurator. This would be critical to synchronise the PivotGrid with any other controls, with the PivotGridEventArgs holding data of what was modified and if the modification was made to the PivotFields or Measures.
  6. No state management: Cannot save or restore state of GridConfigurator. Potentially, the user may have spent some time setting up their perfect PivotGrid that suited their needs, hence saving state seems critical.
  7. No programmatic control via @ref="PivotGrid": Cannot programmatically control the PivotGrid. This would be important to enable synchronisation between other Telerik controls / items on the page.


Less Critical

  1. Export: Not critical but some form of export (Excel/PDF), to allow user to save the results.


Aside from that, all good and works well.

