Last Updated: 12 Jul 2024 07:36 by ADMIN
Release 2024 Q2 (May)
Created by: Jerome
Comments: 8
Category: Filter
Type: Feature Request
Is there a way to create a custom template for the FilterField? I would like to create autocomplete/comboboxes for some of the options.
Last Updated: 19 Mar 2024 15:06 by ADMIN
Release 2024 Q2 (May)
Created by: Jesper
Comments: 0
Category: Filter
Type: Feature Request

Please expose a refresh/rebind method for the Filter. I want to force refresh the component when programmatically changing its value during runtime.




A possible workaround for the time being is to dispose the component and reinitialize it again after programmatically changing the value. Here is an example:

Last Updated: 20 Feb 2024 13:01 by ADMIN
Release 4.2.0 (04/26/2023)

When I change the field from the dropdown to another field of the same type, the filter editor is not updated.

The issue occurs when I'm using Enum fields - the dropdown editor is not updated to display the correct values of the newly selected Enum field.


Steps to reproduce:

  1. Select NumberField
  2. The dropdown editor still shows the Color values


Last Updated: 06 Dec 2022 09:38 by ADMIN
Release 4.0.0 (18 Jan 2023) (R1 2023)

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Run this REPL snippet
  2. Click on the Add Expression button
  3. Try to delete the newly added expression.
Last Updated: 16 May 2022 22:05 by ADMIN
Created by: Dale
Comments: 2
Category: Filter
Type: Bug Report

If the CompositeFilterDescriptor is set with a predefined filter before the filter component is rendered on the page it locks up the UI.


I've noticed this issue if the Filter is user under a TabStrip.. You set the filter and navigate way from the tab and back it will lock up.

Last Updated: 30 Mar 2022 11:17 by ADMIN
Release 3.2.0
When the Filter is hosted in a Window, and there is a filter expression, closing the window and trying to reopen it again end in an infinite loop