Need More Info
Last Updated: 03 Jul 2023 07:56 by ADMIN
Created by: Bernd
Comments: 3
Category: Form
Type: Feature Request

I often have the scenario where I need to switch from the autogenerated formitem to a templated version. Mostly because I need a different editor

For example:

<FormItem Field="@nameof(KeyValuesViewModel.Workplace)" LabelText="Workplace" EditorType="@FormEditorType.TextBox"/>

I create something like this:

                    <label for="WorkplaceInput">Workplace</label>
                    <TelerikMaskedTextBox Id="WorkplaceInput" Mask="aa aaaaaa" Enabled=@WorkplaceEnabled OnChange="OnWorkplaceChanged" @ref=@WorkplaceTextBoxRef />
                    <TelerikValidationMessage For="@(() => KeyValuesViewModel.Workplace)" />

It would speed up things if I just could use the "light bulb" and convert it. Instead coding it manually, copy, paste, edit the copied version. Over and over again.