Last Updated: 24 Mar 2023 13:46 by ADMIN

I have a rather large TelerikForm that contains multiple TelerikTabStrip controls that contain FormItems. In the new version 4.1.0  the form items in the tabstrip do not display correctly and the form items not in the tabs are moved to the bottom of the page. The markup in a test project i created shows the tabstrip above and outside the form tag. Works correctly in 4.0.1. I've attached the test razor file.

Last Updated: 18 Jul 2022 17:15 by ADMIN

Virtually all web apps nowadays have support for masked inputs. Not quite sure why Telerik Blazor does not, but requesting it, since I can't really go live without it.

Ideally it should also work using data annotations on the model class using [DataType(DataType.Password)]. This way I don't have to specify the form fields and can just rely on the auto-generated form (like I am doing now). I have a lot of forms that have passwords, so it would be annoying to have to specify the fields for all of them.

Last Updated: 14 Mar 2023 17:52 by ADMIN

I would like to use manually declared and autogenerated fields together.

I believe this currently exists for the Grid