Last Updated: 21 Oct 2021 10:45 by ADMIN
Created by: Leigh
Comments: 1
Category: TreeList
Type: Feature Request
Unlike the grid, you don't have an OnRowClick event that will overcome the async limitations you indicate in the docs and support for OnSelect. Since everything I have is async, the binding solution just doesn't do enough if I can't catch the click. Is there an alternative to OnRowClick for the TreeList? If not, why not?
Last Updated: 01 May 2021 10:08 by ADMIN
Created by: Andrzej
Comments: 4
Category: TreeList
Type: Feature Request

Please add TreeList Drag Drop Feature





This feature will arrive with the same feature for the grid in the 2.24.0 release in mid-May 2021.


Last Updated: 08 Feb 2021 20:01 by ADMIN
At the moment, clicking a row always alters the selection. I want to use only the selection column for selection so row clicks don't change it. A key issue is that when SelectChildren is set to true it only works for the checkbox, so clicking the row removes the selected children, and I don't want that.