Last Updated: 20 Dec 2023 14:10 by ADMIN

When I paste a table from Word or Excel in the Editor, some of the formatting is lost. The Kendo React Editor supports most of the formatting and I would like to see the same behavior for Blazor. 

Last Updated: 12 Oct 2020 15:52 by ADMIN
Created by: Tyler
Comments: 1
Category: Editor
Type: Feature Request
When pulling html from a database into the editor it alters the html. 

For example: 
         <td style="width:100px;background-color:#FF0000;">Test</td> 
Is modified to..
<table class="k-table"><tbody><tr><td><p>Test</p></td></tr></tbody></table>

Losing the style attributes and adding classes and paragraph tags breaking our current formatting requirements.

Ideally we would just modify our html data to fit the new formatting but with years of data that's just not feasible.
Last Updated: 03 May 2023 14:47 by ADMIN

We have a survey page that has multiple editor fields in it.  They need to accept rich text from a paste or other keyboard commands, but we do not want to waste the vertical space for the toolbar appearing in each editor field.

Please update the editor to hide the toolbar if the List<IEditorTool> collection is empty.

This change would make it much easier and less fragile than removing the toolbar to through Css.