Last Updated: 24 Jun 2022 13:06 by Taarti
Created by: Taarti
Comments: 0
Category: Pager
Type: Feature Request

The purpose of this request is to be able to choose the keyboard navigation flow of the pager component:

- arrow keys (current)

- tab navigation (disabling the arrow keys navigation but including all elements within the pager in the tab sequence)

The configuration should be available in the pager and the components that integrate it.

Last Updated: 17 Jan 2023 08:07 by ADMIN


When you have a TelerikGrid, with on OnRead event making an async call, the pager that comes with TelerikGrid doesn't show the mobile view when on a narrower device.


I created a blazor repl here: https://blazorrepl.telerik.com/mxOPbEuZ29PQRAQk02


If you view the repl in browser, open dev tools and toggle the device toolbar, and set your viewport width to something around 320px. If it loads into the preview right away, after having been first rendered on normal screensize, then the pager will adapt. To see the bug, go to the code tab, then the preview tab to have it do its initial render on mobile width. You will see something like this:

This is an issue live currently on my own websites, which had been reported to me by customers. I believe this only occurs when using the Grid's OnRead, and making an asynchronous call within it (which I represented in the repl with a Task.Delay)

I'm using as early as 3.5.0 in production, but can repro this on latest, 3.7.0.