Last Updated: 12 Mar 2024 06:58 by ADMIN
Created by: Kristjan
Comments: 2
Category: AutoComplete
Type: Feature Request

When trying to use autocomplete, it falls short of what I would like to have. I presumed this to be on feature parity with MudBlazor offerings.

What I used before with mudautocomplete: label, value, style, reset value on empty text, coerce text, to string func, search func, required, required error, value changed, virtualize, max items. The way I use autocomplete box, is that user searches against a list of hundreds of thousands of elements, component querys against method, get's filtered reply that is displayed. When chosen, it binds the guid value, not the string. User also cannot submit their own option, only one from provided list. 

Telerik autocomplete box does not provide those features, what other workarounds are there besides running with Mudblazor for time being?

Last Updated: 23 Feb 2022 14:04 by ADMIN
I'm using the autocomplete control to bind a comlex model to it.
Binding a complex model is currently supported by the autocomplete control:
When selecting an item from this list, it is necessary to retreive the selected item.
It seems to me that at the moment the .ToString Method is called on the selected item. 
That results in displaying type information at the UI and providing the type information when the "MyOnChangeHandler" function ist called ( 02.jpg, 03.jpg).
And because the OnChange event handler needs to implement a function with an object as a parameter ( 03.jpg ) I'm wondering how the selected item can retreived.
Instead ob providing a .ToString() - information when binding to a complex type you need to provide the selected item.

And by the way, when selecting an item the ItemTemplate ( 04.jpg ) seems to be ignored when displaying this selected item.