Last Updated: 23 Mar 2022 11:06 by ADMIN
Created by: John af P
Comments: 3
Category: ComboBox
Type: Feature Request

Hello, I would like to have a mutiselect dropdown like you have for ajax:

Syncfusion and radzen have this support for blazor :

I know that you have a proposed solution for the MultiSelect component:

CheckBox in Multiselect

But the design of this one is not what I'm after, the box still expands downwards when selecting multiple items and it makes it hard to design a coherent page that does not make the dom "jump around". Also the implementation is cumbersome for more complex objects .

It would be better with a solution like you have for ajax where it just shows the first items that fits and then "+X items".

Last Updated: 22 Mar 2022 09:44 by ADMIN
I have bound the ComboBox to a List<int> and when I set the FIlterable parameter to true, I get an application crash. I would like to be able to filter by integers too. 
Last Updated: 16 Apr 2021 11:50 by ADMIN
Created by: tilt32
Comments: 1
Category: ComboBox
Type: Feature Request

Hello everyone,

in the web app we are programming, we make heavy use of the TelerikCombobox. Now the use case arises, that the user needs to be able to select a numeric value (double or int, mainly) out of an existing list of values, or if the needed value does not exist yet, provide a custom value.

In this particular case, he selects out of a range of existing article lengths or widths. Most of the time, the length or width is of a "normed" width or length (meaning the normal width / length the article would have) Since they can however produce an article in any width / length they wish to, it does happen sometimes, that the range of existing article widths / lengths is missing the desired value. Hence we thought we could make use of the AllowCustom feature of the TelerikCombobox, so that the user can provide a value themselfes, if need be.

However, the type restriction to string of the Value and Text-Field of the Items makes it rather cumbersome todo so, as a new Model class is needed which has the Text / Value fields as string and internally maps it to the desired type. In addition the user can provide input, which does not make any sense whatsoever for the underlying type.

Would it be possible, for the AllowCustom feature to work also mit numeric values? I.e. When the property the Value-field is referencing to, returns a numeric value, only numeric input is considered (somewhat similar to the NumericTextBox)?


Best Regards,


Last Updated: 26 Jan 2022 04:08 by ADMIN

See this REPL:

Run the program and scroll so that new data will be requested.  The page variable does not change, so I'm not able to request new data from my datasource.