Last Updated: 31 Aug 2022 07:41 by ADMIN

I like the way Drawer is designed to support navigation.

It would be neat if TabStrip supported the same use-case. The basic idea would be that it would work like the Drawer navigation, but be presented as a tabbed interface. (Github's pull request UI works very much like this.) As this would require new syntax, I'm guessing it would be a new component such as NavTabStrip.


    <TelerikNavTabStrip Data="@NavigablePages">
    </TelerikNavTabStrip >


Last Updated: 29 Oct 2021 05:59 by ADMIN
Created by: Alireza
Comments: 2
Category: TabStrip
Type: Feature Request

Hi All,

I want to build a TabStip with many Tabs in multiline header like this:

, but now all headers located in a long line as shows below:

I could not found any attribute or a HeaderTemplate example to do this.

Can you please help me to do this?