Last Updated: 02 Sep 2021 05:40 by ADMIN

I am running into an issue with what I believe is the default behaviour of the TelerikWindow, namely capturing @onkeydown - events and closing the window when the user presses escape.

Is there any way to disable this default behaviour of the dialog / overwrite its onkeydown event handler?


Include the ability to :

  • Disable keyboard shortcuts altogether
  • Use custom keyboard shortcuts
  • Use a combination of several keys (e.g. Shift + ESC)
  • Define several keyboard shortcuts at the same time for the same action

If you have any preferences how to expose this functionality please leave a comment. Any feedback on how to handle this on a Mac for the Ctrl and CMD keys is welcome (e.g. should the shortcut for the Ctrl key handle the CMD key for the Mac automatically).

In the meantime you could use the following snippet as a workaround to disable the Esc key:


<TelerikButton OnClick="@ToggleWindow">Toggle the Window</TelerikButton>

<TelerikWindow Visible="@isVisible" VisibleChanged="@VisibleChangedHandler">
        <strong>The Title</strong>
        This is my window <strong>popup</strong> content.
        <WindowAction Name="MyCustomClose" Icon="@IconName.Close" OnClick="@MyCustomCloseHandler" />

@code {
    bool isVisible { get; set; }
    string result { get; set; }

    void VisibleChangedHandler(bool currVisible)
        // if you don't do this, the window won't close because of the user action
        // so if you don't update the view-model here, the window will not close when Esc is pressed

        //isVisible = currVisible;

        result = $"the window is now visible: {isVisible}";

        Console.WriteLine($"Closing because of Esc key");

    void MyCustomCloseHandler()
        //will fire on click only
        isVisible = false;
        //since the built-in window UI didn't invoke this change, the event will not fire

    public void ToggleWindow()
        isVisible = !isVisible;

        result = $"the window is now visible: {isVisible}";


Last Updated: 15 Mar 2021 20:31 by ADMIN
Created by: Jeffrey
Comments: 1
Category: Window
Type: Feature Request
Subject says it all.  Would be nice to be able to resize a window... and to save the size coordinates when the window is closed (similar to dragging).