Last Updated: 19 May 2022 15:22 by Thomas

Currently, the validation of the grid can be disabled altogether via the GridValidationSettings.Enabled option. However, we cannot control the validation of the grid per column.

Also, we cannot control when the validation is triggered. The simple inputs expose the ValidateOn option, but it cannot be set to the default editors of the grid without the need for an explicit declaration of a custom editor.

Last Updated: 19 May 2022 11:39 by ADMIN
I would like to see a smaller amount of data traveling over the wide in the server-side blazor app when I page the grid.
Last Updated: 17 May 2022 07:50 by ADMIN
Created by: Steven
Comments: 4
Category: Grid
Type: Feature Request

Add a setting similar to the AllowUnsort so that I can disable the unsorted state of the Grid.


Here is how to achieve this with the Grid state.

Last Updated: 12 May 2022 17:03 by ADMIN
Created by: Jimmy
Comments: 1
Category: Grid
Type: Bug Report
Groups with load on demand cannot be deserialized properly and throw NullReferenceException
Last Updated: 28 Apr 2022 22:37 by Neil
Release 1.1.0
Created by: Shaun
Comments: 2
Category: Grid
Type: Feature Request

Currently the blazor grid must be a specific, static height.  If one is not provided, the grid uses a default of 500px.

Kendo grid implementations in other UI frameworks allow for more flexibility in the height of the grid.  It would be great if the blazor implementation could support this as well. 

Two specific scenarios that are valueable:

1) Grid height adjusts to accomodate all of the items in the grid

For other kendo grid implementations, this is typically the case when "Scrollable" is set to false.   If there is a plan to allow toggling scrolling for the blazor grid, then I think that this would come along with that.

2) Ability to set grid height to 100%

With other kendo implementations this is normally done via CSS, and is useful for when you want a "full screen" grid.  This is normally combined with "Scrollable=true" and often combined with Pagination="true" as well.   Currently it's not possible to do this - since the height is defined on the k-grid element, it cannot be overridden with CSS.

Last Updated: 28 Apr 2022 12:20 by Davide
Created by: Davide
Comments: 0
Category: Grid
Type: Feature Request
Grid grouping + aggregates performance in WebAssembly apps is considerably slower (test project is available in ticket 1562161). Please research for ways to improve it.
Last Updated: 27 Apr 2022 13:04 by ADMIN
Release 3.3.0
I am using a bool property to control whether the rows of the Grid would be draggable. When I try to toggle the value of this property the feature is not enabled or disabled accordingly. 
Last Updated: 27 Apr 2022 12:24 by ADMIN
Release 3.3.0
Created by: Rick
Comments: 0
Category: Grid
Type: Feature Request

My grid starts with Groupable=false and at some point I may need to make it groupable. The group panel appears, but I cannot drag the column headers to it to actually group.



A workaround is to hide the grid so it can re-initialize with the new groupable setting:

Is Groupable: @IsGroupable
<TelerikButton OnClick="@ToggleGroupable">Toggle Groupable</TelerikButton>

@if (isGridVisible)
    <TelerikGrid Data=@GridData @ref="@GridRef" Groupable="@IsGroupable" Pageable="true" Height="400px">
            <GridColumn Field=@nameof(Employee.Name) Groupable="false" />
            <GridColumn Field=@nameof(Employee.Team) Title="Team" />
            <GridColumn Field=@nameof(Employee.IsOnLeave) Title="On Vacation" />

@code {
    bool IsGroupable { get; set; }
    bool isGridVisible { get; set; } = true;
    TelerikGrid<Employee> GridRef { get; set; }
    async Task ToggleGroupable()
        //save state (sorting, paging,...) - it will be lost when we hide the grid
        var state = GridRef.GetState();

        //hide the grid so it can later re-initialize with the new groupable setting
        isGridVisible = false;
        await InvokeAsync(StateHasChanged);
        await Task.Delay(20);
        IsGroupable = !IsGroupable;
        isGridVisible = true;

        //afte the grid re-initialized and rendered with the new setting, restore its state
        await InvokeAsync(StateHasChanged);
        await Task.Delay(20);
        await GridRef.SetState(state);

    public List<Employee> GridData { get; set; }

    protected override void OnInitialized()
        GridData = new List<Employee>();
        var rand = new Random();
        for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++)
            GridData.Add(new Employee()
                EmployeeId = i,
                Name = "Employee " + i.ToString(),
                Team = "Team " + i % 3,
                IsOnLeave = i % 2 == 0

    public class Employee
        public int EmployeeId { get; set; }
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public string Team { get; set; }
        public bool IsOnLeave { get; set; }


Last Updated: 26 Apr 2022 15:19 by Beena

I am adding validation messages for the popup form fields and I do not want to display the ValidationSummary in addition to them. Please add option to remove it.




Built-in field validation messages will be exposed in future version of the product. Thus, you can add inline or tooltip validation messages to the Popup edit form without an EditorTemplate.

For the time being, you can remove the ValidationSummary with some CSS. Here is an example of hiding the ValidationSummary and adding inline ValidationMessage for the ProductName field: https://blazorrepl.telerik.com/cckycgPf37NZfy9J11

Last Updated: 26 Apr 2022 10:51 by ADMIN
I have a record with id 1. In the OnEdit event, we check if the Edited item has Id == 1 and if so we cancel the edit. Now, the UI, if the Grid is in Read mode (not in Edit) clicking on the Grid cell that has Id == 1 does not trigger the edit, thus the editor is not rendered. On the other hand, if we open a previous cell that is editable and we click enter (tab) multiple times the non-editable cell will enter Edit mode and the editor is rendered.
Last Updated: 25 Apr 2022 12:18 by Dan
Created by: Dan
Comments: 0
Category: Grid
Type: Feature Request

Expose GroupableSettings with an option to specify whether to render the group footer. The possible values should be always (like current implementation), or when the group is expanded. An example (just for demonstration) api would be:



<GridGroupableSettings Footer="@GridGroupableFooterVisible.Always | @GridGroupableFooterVisible.Expanded"></GridGroupableSettings>



Last Updated: 23 Apr 2022 19:08 by ADMIN
I need the current value by which the field is grouped (the group value) so I can get additional information and display it in the cell
Last Updated: 20 Apr 2022 09:58 by Cassaundra
Created by: Cassaundra
Comments: 0
Category: Grid
Type: Feature Request

I'd like for someone to be able to select all of the rows in a particular group. The main selection checkbox will just select all of the rows.

It would be nice if this also worked for sub grouping.

Last Updated: 13 Apr 2022 13:25 by ADMIN
Created by: Nicholas
Comments: 3
Category: Grid
Type: Feature Request

Internally it looks like you are using RadSpreadStreamProcessing for grid.ExportToExcelAsync()  if you gave us an optional lamdba to manipulate IRowExporter while you are processing, it would make things a lot easier.

There were a couple other feature requests out there that you closed offering alternatives ways of doing this and we are actually just importing the stream back to RadSpreadProcessing object and then manipulating that way.  Adding the Lambda would be a much more efficient way of handling this use case and probably very simple for you to implement.



Last Updated: 13 Apr 2022 07:16 by ADMIN

I would like to request a simple update to the Grid component.

When a column width is too small - the column header text is cut-off or is unreadable.

For example:

It would be nice that on mouse hover, the full title would be rendered. Currently to achieve this, I have to implement a custom <HeaderTemplate> for every grid column and add a span myself:

<GridColumn Field="@nameof(SalesOrderLineItem.Quantity)">
        <span title="Order Quantity">Order Quantity</span>


Can you update the GridColumn component and add a title attribute to the column <th> element so the browser can show the fill title should the user hover over it?


Last Updated: 11 Apr 2022 07:37 by ADMIN
Release 3.2.0
Created by: Nick
Comments: 8
Category: Grid
Type: Feature Request


I'm testing the grid on mobile and I've noticed that the pager can end up being cut off the edge of the screen. The app is designed to not allow scrolling in the HTML window but it does allowing scrolling in the grid (and navbar). This works, but the pager is cutting off. Is there any way it can be made more responsive or made to wrap in a relatively neat way without breaking the control?

See attached image.




Last Updated: 09 Apr 2022 11:48 by ADMIN
Release 3.0.0
Created by: License
Comments: 7
Category: Grid
Type: Feature Request

With OnRead, AllPages cannot be exported because the grid Data only has the current page: https://docs.telerik.com/blazor-ui/components/grid/export/excel#notes:

If you are using the OnRead event, only the current page of data will be exported, because that's all the grid has at the time of the export action.


I load my data via "OnRead", because i need to implement pagination by myself, and I would like the export option to work with that too.

Last Updated: 08 Apr 2022 10:07 by ADMIN
Created by: Jason Parrish
Comments: 2
Category: Grid
Type: Feature Request

I would like the grid and treelist to honor the DisplayFormatAttribute.NullDisplayText Property so I don't have to use cell templates to change what null values render.

FYI... Here's a REPL of it not respecting it

Last Updated: 07 Apr 2022 04:11 by ADMIN
Created by: Jason
Comments: 1
Category: Grid
Type: Bug Report



The Excel export seems to honor it, so it can be used as a workaround.


Reproducible with the workaround commented out:


<TelerikButton OnClick="@CurrentPage">Current Page</TelerikButton>
<TelerikButton OnClick="@AllPages">All Pages</TelerikButton>

<TelerikGrid Data="@GridData"

        <GridExcelExport FileName="telerik-grid-export" AllPages="@ExportAllPages" />

        <GridColumn Field="@nameof(SampleData.ProductId)" Title="ID" Width="100px" />
        <GridColumn Field="@nameof(SampleData.ProductName)" Title="Product Name" Width="300px" />
        <GridColumn Field="@nameof(SampleData.UnitsInStock)" Title="In stock" Width="100px" />
        <GridColumn Field="@nameof(SampleData.Price)" Title="Unit Price" Width="200px" />
        <GridColumn Field="@nameof(SampleData.Discontinued)" Title="Discontinued" Width="100px" />
        <GridColumn Field="@nameof(SampleData.FirstReleaseDate)" Title="Release Date" Width="300px" />

@code {
    async Task AllPages()
        ExportAllPages = true;

        await Task.Delay(20); // allow the component to rerender with the new parameter

        await GridRef.SaveAsCsvFileAsync();

        //await GridRef.SaveAsExcelFileAsync(); // this works

    async Task CurrentPage()
        ExportAllPages = false;

        await Task.Delay(20); // allow the component to rerender with the new parameter

        await GridRef.SaveAsCsvFileAsync();

        //await GridRef.SaveAsExcelFileAsync(); // this works

    private TelerikGrid<SampleData> GridRef { get; set; }

    List<SampleData> GridData { get; set; }
    bool ExportAllPages { get; set; }

    protected override void OnInitialized()
        GridData = Enumerable.Range(1, 100).Select(x => new SampleData
            ProductId = x,
            ProductName = $"Product {x}",
            UnitsInStock = x * 2,
            Price = 3.14159m * x,
            Discontinued = x % 4 == 0,
            FirstReleaseDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-x)

    public class SampleData
        public int ProductId { get; set; }
        public string ProductName { get; set; }
        public int UnitsInStock { get; set; }
        public decimal Price { get; set; }
        public bool Discontinued { get; set; }
        public DateTime FirstReleaseDate { get; set; }

Last Updated: 06 Apr 2022 17:57 by Nemo

This isn't a bug per say, but with the latest Telerik Blazor update, the GridCommandEventArgs Field and Value properties are now deprecated.  When updating a specific cell in a grid using InCell edit mode, how am I able to know which specific field and value are updated when the OnUpdate event gets called?  Before the latest update, I had the following code:


protected override void OnGridRowUpdate(GridCommandEventArgs args)
            validationMessage = ValidateField(args.Field, args.Value);


I realize I have the updated values using args.Item, but I don't want to have to validate the entire row every time I update a cell.  Is there still a way to know what cell I updated, or is that information no more?

Thank you,
