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Last Updated: 11 Oct 2023 11:45 by ADMIN
Created by: Joshua
Comments: 1
Category: Grid
Type: Feature Request
The options available in the grid popup edit settings are very convenient because a substantial jump in complexity/effort is needed to use a custom edit form. It would be great to have additional parameters that correspond to the window position and draggable properties. 
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Last Updated: 22 May 2023 09:37 by ADMIN

Grid with columns price1 and price2. Enter value in price1, switch to price2, enter value there, and editor is set to old value after async events finish.

The value entered in price2 is correctly set to the property, but the editor reverts to the previous value. If you escape edit mode of the cell, the value entered before the events finish will be shown.

On (fast) tabbing and entering values, this removes the first values entered before the async background events finish.

I tried reproducing the problem in REPL, but could not get the exact same behaviour. In our case no specific value is being set to price2, it just reverts.


How would you approach preventing the editor from being overridden by other cells' delayed events?

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Last Updated: 01 Jun 2022 11:36 by ADMIN

   So what I propose is a fixed width for a column of the grid (and locked) with the remaining columns auto-sizing.

In my situation, I have an action switch button where the client can delete a row, edit a row etc but the action code dropdown column needs to ALWAYS be the same width.  The rest of the columns should automatically size based on the existing behaviour.

   Now I have tried using the autosize for just that column, but I have to render the grid first, then run the autosize (which gives a fun show of resizing to the user) then all the columns become fixed width, but the vertical scroll bar doesn't move and stays in its initial position.



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Last Updated: 17 Nov 2021 23:17 by ADMIN
Created by: Robert
Comments: 8
Category: Grid
Type: Feature Request

I suggest adding a FieldExpression property to the GridColumn so a developer would not need to create view models and templates for simple transformations of the existing model's properties. The field expression would be used for filtering and sorting as well. Its type would be Func<T, object> or Expression<Func<T, object>>.


   <TelerikGrid Data="@Persons">
                <GridColumn FieldExpression="@(p => p.FirstName + " " + p.LastName)" />