Last Updated: 12 Sep 2019 04:50 by ADMIN

Add the ability to make the drop down list expanded contents wider than the closed control, or just automatically determine appropriate width (doesn't always work well for very long text fields, so you need both properties).




Last Updated: 15 Jan 2024 15:35 by ADMIN
Dear Team,

I am reaching out to suggest an enhancement to the existing filtering feature in the Telerik Blazor dropdown component. Currently, the filtering capability is quite useful, but it would be even more powerful if there was an event trigger during the filtering process. This event would allow developers to execute custom logic while a user is typing in the dropdown field. The ability to respond in real-time as the input changes would significantly enrich the interactivity and functionality of the dropdown, enabling more dynamic and user-tailored experiences. Implementing this feature could greatly enhance the flexibility and utility of the dropdown component. Thank you for considering this enhancement, and I eagerly anticipate its potential integration in future updates.

Kind regards,
Suryateja KONDLA
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