By default, when the "paste" command is added, the default option is "insert" mode ("Paste (Insert)"). Is it possible to add an option that allows setting the default paste mode to "replace" ("Paste (Replace)")?
The FormItemBuilder exposes an EditorTemplateView method which allows a view to represent the item and provides the entire modal to the view.
As the elements available to forms are limited to those hard coded by Telerik and whilst extension methods can be employed to expand this limitation slightly, the ability to create a context specific view would be ideal
The current implementation looks like this
.Items(items =>
items.AddGroup("Test", 1, 10)
.Items(i =>
i.Add().Field(x => x.Username)
i.Add().Field(x => x.Password).EditorTemplateView(Html.Partial("MyView"))
In this example, the entire model is provided into MyView.
I suggest adding an EditorTemplateFor that uses the lamda expression provided in the Field() method such as
.Items(items =>
items.AddGroup("Test", 1, 10)
.Items(i =>
i.Add().Field(x => x.Username)
i.Add().Field(x => x.Password).EditorTemplateViewFor(Html.Partial("MyView"))
The "Switch" component does not expose "Label" configuration.
For example:
.Label(f => f
Whilst I'm aware that I can create a HTML label and add the k-label class. I feel that a Label and a LabelFor are essential parts of the toolkit to prevent brittle code getting created when/if the labels that are created within the toolkit have other requirements
I have created my own implementation for now but I think this should be added to your roadmap, especially as it's such a simple thing to do
Is it possible to implement template options for the "update" and "cancel" column commands of the Grid?
For example:
columns: [{
command: [{
name: "edit",
template: {
update: "<button class='customUpdate'>Save</button>",
cancel: "<button class='customCancel'>Cancel</button>",
In the Scheduler's Timeline view when there are events with the same Start and End dates and one of them is resized, the Scheduler reorders the events automatically, placing the longest event on top and the shortest event at the bottom of the slot. The same occurs in other views, for example, in the Week view the events are automatically reordered from left to right (longest to shortest).
It would be nice to be able to control this behavior and disable it through a dedicated option.
Currently, when using the default Grid search functionality and the column filter menus, we observe the following:
However, there’s a specific scenario where this does not work properly:
For example:
This functionality behaves correctly in the Telerik UI for Blazor Grid component - the search and column filters are managed as separate objects.
Is it possible to enhance the Grid filtering similar to the Blazor Grid?
Hi, is there a way to configure the grid so that when it's grouped and later sorted, the grouping state (expanded/collapsed) is preserved?
Kind Regards
It would be convenient to have built-in MultiColumnComboBox editing for the Grid.
I was hoping the component would show the addresses formatted in columns (as per a fields list) and then return the address concatenated into a single to the grid field (e.g. from .DataTextField("FullAddress")).
When my company's users create a new "customer site" they upload the customer's logo and then choose some colours that will form the basis of theming for the customer's site. In that way, a customer will 'feel' like they have their own branded experience when using 'their' website.
The colours are inevitably based on the customer's logo. To use the colour picker component, I have to train my users to go to Paint, load the logo, choose the colour using the colour picker, go into the palette and 'copy the crazy 6-digit numbers that may contain letters of the alphabet that starts with a #' and paste that into the colour picker of our web site.
Rather, I would prefer if they could simply use an eyedropper from the ColorPicker component using functionality similar to It would save training and greatly improve the useability of my website.
Can I put that forward as being a feature request?
Dave A
Implement an AllowCustom option in the MultiSelect, which would make possible to select a custom value that is not present in the data.
This option is available in the Kendo UI for Angular MultiSelect:
Consider changing the design for the ColorPicker's input mode selection.
Currently, this is done through clicking a button with "up" and "down" arrow icons:
A more UI-friendly design for the mode selection would be nice to have, for instance, a radio group, dropdown, switch, etc.
When the fonts and font size dropdown is selected, it will be helpful to view the preview of fonts before applying it to text. Similarly for font size also it will be good to preview them.
In the table wizard the caption alignment dropdown looks very long than required
### Suggestion
Either the dropdown size can be collapsed, or we can describe the images to accommodate the longer size:
I'm in the process of rewriting all Kendo components to use CSP compatible templates. I'm looking at which shows how we'd use TemplateComponentName() for popup editors and that we would need to rewrite everything in the popup editor to use Kendo Template's AddHtml or AddComponent methods.
<div class="mb-2 row required">
@Html.LabelFor(model => model.FileName, new { @class = "col-sm-4 col-form-label fw-bold text-sm-end" })
<div class="col-sm-6">
@(Html.Kendo().TextBoxFor(model => model.FileName).HtmlAttributes(new { @class = "w-100" }))
<div class="mb-2 row">
@Html.LabelFor(model => model.FileDescription, new { @class = "col-sm-4 col-form-label fw-bold text-sm-end" })
<div class="col-sm-6">
@(Html.Kendo().TextBoxFor(model => model.FileDescription).HtmlAttributes(new { @class = "w-100" }))
.AddHtml("<div class='mb-2 row required'>")
@Html.LabelFor(model => model.FileName, new { @class = "col-sm-4 col-form-label fw-bold text-sm-end" })
.AddHtml("<div class='col-sm-6'>")
.AddComponent(c => c.TextBoxFor(model => model.FileName).HtmlAttributes(new { @class = "w-100" }))
.AddHtml("<div class='mb-2 row'>")
@Html.LabelFor(model => model.FileDescription, new { @class = "col-sm-4 col-form-label fw-bold text-sm-end" })
.AddHtml("<div class='col-sm-6'>")
.AddComponent(c => c.TextBoxFor(model => model.FileDescription).HtmlAttributes(new { @class = "w-100" }))
While this works, this markup seems much harder to read than the original. Could this be made to be simpler? Ideally I'd like to be able to drop my existing mix of html and kendo components in one method and it'd parse through to render the template properly.
When creating columns in a TagHelper Grid definition, the Width property allows only numbers:
<column field="OrderID" width="100">
This does not match the width property in the Kendo UI and HtmlHelpers Grid definitions which allow string values to be entered as well:
That way, the developer will be able to add rem and other unit values in TagHelper syntax as well.
Also, it would be convenient if there is a new property similar to this:
<column field="OrderID" tooltip="Unique Number of the Order">
<column field="Freight"
html-attributes='new Dictionary<string, object>{ ["style"] = "width: 30rem;" }'>
Currently, the Drawer Hierarchy demo shows how to create two levels of hierarchy. Is it possible to enhance the Drawer to allow multiple nested items?
For example, the following KB article describes how to implement multi-level hierarchy, but the suggested approach requires custom JavaScript logic:
Request for "Resize" Event for the following Components: