The current demo is showing a contains predicate. To enhance the current application, I am requesting the feature to use a starts with predicate to meet a practical business need.
The minimum length property will need to changed to 1 to limit the number of characters to be typed.
It would be nice to extend dialog like office 365 right dialog ( docked to the right).
It would be nice to have a dropdown button with a container
Hi Team,
I would like to request that, when using endless scrolling for the ListView, to include a page indicator to let the user know what page their on when scrolling.
Thank you!
This just seems like a minor oversight since the Enable(bool) method exists on the DatePicker html helper and other Kendo taghelpers support the enable or enabled attribute, but there doesn't seem to be an enable-like attribute for the kendo-datepicker. Thanks!
<kendo-datepicker for="ReadOnlyDate" enable="false"></kendo-datepicker>
Currently file manager supports multiple selection by using ctrl and shift keys. However it will be a nice feature if the selection of multiple files available through checkboxs, for e.g. when hovering the item, a checkbox appears in top left corner, and user can select it or unselect it.
In the example below products is actually DbSet<Product>
public async Task<ActionResult> Products_Read([DataSourceRequest]DataSourceRequest request)
using (var northwind = new SampleEntities())
IQueryable<Product> products = northwind.Products;
DataSourceResult result = await products.ToDataSourceResultAsync(request);
return Json(result);
Under the hood the ToDataSourceResultAsync call is executed inside Task.Run
And that Task.Run is calling sync methods of IQueryable which means EntityframeworkCore queries are not taking place with async I/O
By default, when the "paste" command is added, the default option is "insert" mode ("Paste (Insert)"). Is it possible to add an option that allows setting the default paste mode to "replace" ("Paste (Replace)")?
The FormItemBuilder exposes an EditorTemplateView method which allows a view to represent the item and provides the entire modal to the view.
As the elements available to forms are limited to those hard coded by Telerik and whilst extension methods can be employed to expand this limitation slightly, the ability to create a context specific view would be ideal
The current implementation looks like this
.Items(items =>
items.AddGroup("Test", 1, 10)
.Items(i =>
i.Add().Field(x => x.Username)
i.Add().Field(x => x.Password).EditorTemplateView(Html.Partial("MyView"))
In this example, the entire model is provided into MyView.
I suggest adding an EditorTemplateFor that uses the lamda expression provided in the Field() method such as
.Items(items =>
items.AddGroup("Test", 1, 10)
.Items(i =>
i.Add().Field(x => x.Username)
i.Add().Field(x => x.Password).EditorTemplateViewFor(Html.Partial("MyView"))
The "Switch" component does not expose "Label" configuration.
For example:
.Label(f => f
Whilst I'm aware that I can create a HTML label and add the k-label class. I feel that a Label and a LabelFor are essential parts of the toolkit to prevent brittle code getting created when/if the labels that are created within the toolkit have other requirements
I have created my own implementation for now but I think this should be added to your roadmap, especially as it's such a simple thing to do
Is it possible to implement template options for the "update" and "cancel" column commands of the Grid?
For example:
columns: [{
command: [{
name: "edit",
template: {
update: "<button class='customUpdate'>Save</button>",
cancel: "<button class='customCancel'>Cancel</button>",
Consider the use of TextWriter async methods for the HTML Helpers, for example the WriteInitializationScript methods. In certain scenarios the use of the synchronous methods causes an exception: System.InvalidOperationException: Synchronous operations are disallowed. Call WriteAsync or set AllowSynchronousIO to true instead.
This can be resolved by explicitly enabling synchronous operations
services.Configure<IISServerOptions>(options =>
options.AllowSynchronousIO = true;
though synchronous operations have been disabled by default at framework level as of .NET 3.0.
Currently, the Content function for Steps in a Wizard only accepts a string value (see API here).
This means that in order to add a partial view (bound to the current model and its properties), the most straightforward way I could find was to put the partial view (and any wrappers) in its own file and add an extension method "ToHtmlString()". For example:
@model MyModel
@(Html.Kendo().Wizard().Steps(step => {
step.Add().Content(Html.Partial("~/Path/To/View/Wrapper.cshtml", Model).ToHtmlString());
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Html;
using System.IO;
public static class HtmlContentExtensions
public static string ToHtmlString(this IHtmlContent htmlContent)
if (htmlContent is HtmlString htmlString)
return htmlString.Value;
using StringWriter writer = new();
htmlContent.WriteTo(writer, System.Text.Encodings.Web.HtmlEncoder.Default);
return writer.ToString();
@model MyModel
@(Html.Kendo().TabStrip().Items(tabstrip => {
.Content(@<div id="@Model.TabContainer" class="myTabWrapperClass">
@await Html.PartialAsync("~/Path/To/View.cshtml", Model)
In the Scheduler's Timeline view when there are events with the same Start and End dates and one of them is resized, the Scheduler reorders the events automatically, placing the longest event on top and the shortest event at the bottom of the slot. The same occurs in other views, for example, in the Week view the events are automatically reordered from left to right (longest to shortest).
It would be nice to be able to control this behavior and disable it through a dedicated option.
.NET 6 introduced DateOnly and TimeOnly types, but none of the relevant date/time controls support these types.
There is already a feature request to support DateOnly in DatePicker; this feature request is about adding support for TimeOnly to TimePicker.
Currently, when using the default Grid search functionality and the column filter menus, we observe the following:
However, there’s a specific scenario where this does not work properly:
For example:
This functionality behaves correctly in the Telerik UI for Blazor Grid component - the search and column filters are managed as separate objects.
Is it possible to enhance the Grid filtering similar to the Blazor Grid?
At this stage, the Serialize() method depends on Newtonsoft.Json:
using Newtonsoft.Json;
namespace Kendo.Mvc.Infrastructure
public class DefaultJavaScriptSerializer : IJavaScriptSerializer
public string Serialize(object value)
return JsonConvert.SerializeObject(value).Replace(@"<", @"\u003c").Replace(@">", @"\u003e");
Is it possible to remove the dependency and use the System.Text.Json serializer instead?