When the set_keepInScreenBounds method is called and you pass a true parameter, the popup of RadColorPicker is only partially visible (the tabs are hidden).
When a Lightweight RadColorPicker has ShowIcon="true" and KeepInScreenBounds="true" configured, its tabs will be partially visible on the page.
The following solution can be used:
Telerik.Web.UI.ColorPicker.LightweightRenderer.prototype.getPaletteHeight = function ($palette) {
var paletteHeight = $palette.height() +
return paletteHeight;
Possible workarounds: -set display: inline-block to the control wrapper -.RadColorPicker {display: inline-block;} - use Classic RenderMode - improve the z-index and backgrounds of the anchor: div.RadColorPicker.lwr div.rcpIcon a, div.RadColorPicker.lwr div.rcpIcon a:hover { z-index: 11; background-color: transparent; background-image: none; } where the lwr class is to be added from the server code to avoid breaking the Classic render mode: protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (RadColorPicker1.RenderMode == Telerik.Web.UI.RenderMode.Lightweight) { RadColorPicker1.CssClass = "lwr"; } }
ColorPicker Causes unwanted scrollbar in page if It is used in a RTL page. It's because of setting palleteWrapper.style.left to -9999px in hidePalette function in RadColorPicker.js. It can be fixed if you set palleteWrapper.style.left to something like 0 or 50%. It will be out of page due to -9999px as top value anyway.
There are missing keys in the resx files and the resource files are not applied correctly. More info here:
The color picker doesn't looks good when zooming in the browser. Try zooming to 120% and run your demo: http://demos.telerik.com/aspnet-ajax/colorpicker/examples/overview/defaultcs.aspx You need to reload the page after zooming! The Web colors wraps, and the HSB/HSV tabs also wraps a lot! Also see this thread: http://www.telerik.com/forums/looks-really-bad-when-zooming
RadColorPicker remains clickable when its set_enabled(false) method is called. Steps to reproduce: 1. Run this code: <telerik:RadColorPicker ID="RadColorPicker1" runat="server" ShowIcon="true" ShowEmptyColor="false" RenderMode="Lightweight" /> <br /><br /><br /> <select id="mySelect" onchange="EnableDisableColorPicker()"> <option value="1">1</option> <option value="2" selected="selected">2</option> </select> <script> function EnableDisableColorPicker() { var x = document.getElementById("mySelect").value; var colorPicker = $find("<%= RadColorPicker1.ClientID %>"); if (x == 1) { colorPicker.set_enabled(false); } else { colorPicker.set_enabled(true); } } </script> 2. Select option 1. Result: RadColorPicker gets disabled, but remains clickable
When a RadColorPicker that only has the HSB or HSV palette is made visible or added during an AJAX request, it throws the following error:
Sys.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Height should be an integer bigger than 1
This is caused by the lack of dimensions while the component is initializing on the client side and, for example, RGBSliders, manages to initialize correctly. The control must either have default dimensions for all modes, or to perform check for undefined dimensions provided by the browser, or both.
A workaround is to add the RGBSliders mode as the first mode so the control can initialize, and use a small JS handler that will switch to the HSB/HSV mode and hide the RGB mode.
Here follows an example that includes the workaround:
<asp:UpdatePanel ID=
<telerik:RadButton ID=
<asp:Panel runat=
<%--WORKAROUND PART 1 - add the RGBSLiders tab first--%>
<telerik:RadColorPicker ID=
"RGBSliders, HSB"
The script is wrapped
a RadScriptBlock so it gets
registered and executed after the partial postback. By
, it will not be parsed--%>
<telerik:RadScriptBlock runat=
() {
//a panel is used here to make looking for the color pickers added in it easier
//you can replace getting the reference to the color picker with any preferred method
(index, elem) {
(elem && elem.control) {
picker = elem.control;
() {
//trigger the internal logic of the control that will switch the tabs
//in this case - the HSB tab is "clicked"
picker._tabClicked({ target: $telerik.$(picker._tabStrip).find(
)[0] });
//hide the RGB tab
}, 0);
//the timeout is needed so the control can initialize before we manipulate it
, e
wrappingPanel.Visible =
Put a color picker in each row of a RadGrid control with AllowRowsDragDrop=true. After choosing a color from the color picker, move the mouse. The result is that the grid row is dragged along with the mouse move.
Currently when the ShowIcon property of RadColorPicker is set to true and the controls does not have a selected color, a white color is displayed in the icon button. The expected behavior in this case would be to indicate that no color is selected, perhaps by displaying an image, similar to the one in the No Color button.
Setting RenderMode=Native doesn't work correctly in IE11.