Last Updated: 29 May 2020 14:52 by ADMIN
Created by: Jukka
Comments: 2
Category: AsyncUpload
Type: Feature Request
I would be nice to gain more control over radasyncupload's upload behavior when using database as storage for uploaded files.

Consider this use case. You have file management web-app that uses SQL database as storage for uploaded files. In SQL database you use Filestream enabled table to store the uploaded file data. You like to allow your app users to upload multiple big files > 100 Mt at once. And you have limited disc space on your web server hosting your app. So you don't want to buffer those uploaded files on your web server in any point of the upload process.

To be able to do so radasyncupload needs to be able to stream uploaded files to the SQL database as straight as possible. Chunk by chunk. 

radasyncupload already has feature that allows you to use your own generic handler to handle some of the upload process. It just needs expose some of those events that happens before process-event (maybe ProcessRequest?). So developer can start handling the HttpPostedFile's InputStream at the begining of the upload and stream it directly to the database. Like one can do with the regular upload controls like so:

Public Sub ProcessRequest(ByVal context As HttpContext) Implements IHttpHandler.ProcessRequest

	Dim hpf As HttpPostedFile
	For i = 0 To context.Request.Files.Count - 1
		hpf = context.Request.Files.Item(i)
		Using Command As SqlCommand = New SqlCommand(String.Concat("INSERT INTO Dokuments(DokumData...) values (@DokumData...)"), connection)
		'Other params

		Command.Parameters.Add("@DokumData", SqlDbType.Binary, -1).Value = hpf.InputStream

End Sub
Last Updated: 10 Mar 2015 13:50 by ADMIN
Created by: Eric Smith
Comments: 1
Category: AsyncUpload
Type: Feature Request
We use the RadAsyncUpload control in several places in our application. We would like to be able to style the upload button to match other buttons on the form. Our preference would be to apply a CSS style but if the only option is to apply an 'skin', that would be acceptable. 
Last Updated: 14 Jun 2021 14:46 by ADMIN
There will be a validation that will stop dragged and dropped folders in the drop zone of RadAsyncUpload from being uploaded.
Last Updated: 11 Sep 2020 13:32 by ADMIN
Created by: Eli
Comments: 1
Category: AsyncUpload
Type: Feature Request
We would like the ability to perform drag and drop upload when using the Silverlight module.  We have found and have much support from forums and posts that the FileApi module does not work with environments with Windows Authentication and IE 11.  This is due to a know IE bug that is not going to be fixed.

Although I can disable the FileApi, doing so prevents us from using the much loved drag and drop.
Last Updated: 01 Nov 2013 13:06 by ADMIN
Created by: Juana
Comments: 1
Category: AsyncUpload
Type: Feature Request
estoy utlizando radasyncupload  para una  webpart.  y requiero que cundo le de clic a un boton pueda acceden a los archos seleccionados pero al ingresar al evento  clic del boton el radasycnupload esta null, ademas que el evento FileUploaded nunca se ejecuta