Last Updated: 27 May 2021 10:55 by ADMIN
Created by: Wendell
Comments: 0
Category: ComboBox
Type: Feature Request
Please add a Server Side event for OnBlur or OnClose for the RadComboBox.

The Telerik support team using the "TextChanged" event.

However, this does not work for my purpose and here is why:

Mainly because it appears that an event fires immediately after each check/uncheck.

I have been using a dropdowncheckbox control by another vendor in multiple projects over the past 3 years (many, many instances) which fires when you click anywhere out side the dropdown.  This is perfect because many of these dropdowns supply parameters to SSRS reports that open on the webpage and users of these webpages have requested that after selecting (checking) which values they want, they want the reports to run automatically and don't want to click a "Run reports" button. 

*** How could I possibly determine when the user is done checking/unchecking items using the "TextChanged" event?  

With an OnBlur or OnClose event it's a No-Brainer.  Event --> Do Processing...

Our company made a decision to standardize our tool set and picked Telerik as that toolset vendor.  The lack of having an event that fires similar to the control that I have been using in the past will require unnecessary code modification.

In summary, if there was a similar event I could simply rename each instance of the C# event handlers (methods)  across all projects and be done.  Find --> Replace. 

For the one (1) instance of the RadComboBox that I have tried I was able to create a work-around by placing code in the IsPostback of Page_Load and iterate through the combobox, getting the checked values and then whatever processing  needs to be done.  This will not work but for very few of the pages in the projects mentioned above.
