It will be possible to use Lightweight render mode with AccessibleRadEditor.
Instructions: In IE11 when we select an image and change from Design to HTML mode or try to apply any paragraph style to it, the browser gets unresponsive. To get a better understanding, please refer to the following videos: Demo page:
Such a scenario is reproducible when RadEditor is used in Template container and the control is AJAX-enabled. For example, in an EditTemplate or InsertTemplate. To workaround this bug, you need to assure that the base CSS resource is loaded before RadEditor. To do so, add manually the resource in the head element of the page: <head runat="server"> <title></title> <telerik:RadCodeBlock ID="RadCodeBlock1" runat="server"> <link href='<%= Page.ClientScript.GetWebResourceUrl(typeof(RadEditor), "Telerik.Web.UI.Skins.EditorLite.css") %>' rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> </telerik:RadCodeBlock> </head>
There are some cases where Find and Replace produces unexpected content when Track Changes is enabled. For example: 1. add some tracked content; 2. modify the content; 3. use Find and Replace to replace words in the tracked content. The output is that words are removed, but the replacements never appear.
While the RadEditor is able to now be used on Mobile devices more easily, the crux of the WYSIWYG for us is that when creating either HTML for web or emails, the HTML that is generated from the RadEditor doesn't always generate the code that follows or renders correctly on mobile devices. Ideally, the respective HTML that is generated is correctly output in Mobile Responsive format for all mobile devices.
The scenario is very specific. It is reproducible only under IE11 when RadEditor is loaded in an iframe, in Div content area mode, with AutoResizeHeight="true" and Skin is set to MetroTouch or BlackMetroTouch
Deleting all content in editor (e.g., Ctrl+A and delete), and switching to HTML mode, an unwanted is always present. Whereas, the content should be empty.
The behavior of Paste tools should be the same as in Firefox, Chrome, etc., where the clipboard access is also forbidden.
The Rad Editor control removes unformatted spaces between differently-formatted words when the user presses Enter key for the first time in IE Steps to reproduce: 1. Go to and clear all the pre-existing text. 2. In the empty editing area, type two words separated by a space. 3. Select the first word but not the space after it, and apply either italics, boldness, or underlining. 4. Select the second word but not the space before it, and apply a different one of those formatting options. 5. Position the cursor at the end of the line, and press Enter Result: The space between the words will vanish. Firefox users will see underlining indicating that the browser considers the new, merged word to be misspelled.
Subsequent showing of an Paste HTML dialogs updates the title with some delay. A possible workaround is using the code from this example: <telerik:RadEditor runat="server" ID="RadEditor1" OnClientCommandExecuted="OnClientCommandExecuted"> </telerik:RadEditor> <script type="text/javascript"> function OnClientCommandExecuted(editor, args) { var command = args.get_commandName(); var dialogContainer = editor.get_dialogOpener()._dialogContainers; var dialogName = ""; switch (command) { case "PasteFromWord": case "PasteFromWordNoFontsNoSizes": case "PasteAsHtml": dialogName = "CleanPasteHtmlContent"; break; default: break; } dialogContainer[dialogName].add_pageLoad(updateTitle); dialogContainer[dialogName].add_show(updateTitle); } function updateTitle(sender, args) { var clientParameters = sender.ClientParameters; if (clientParameters && clientParameters.dialogTitle) sender.set_title(clientParameters.dialogTitle) sender.add_pageLoad(updateTitle); sender.add_show(updateTitle); } </script>
If you try to re-format a paragraph with a link inside to a heading, the final result will be multiple headings split by the link.
In Firefox, 38.0.1, some text inputs cannot be typed into. They can be focused and the cursor appears to be in the input, but you cannot type.
End-users cannot clear class or apply class of block elements (i.e., <p>, <div>, <h1>, etc.,) when a class name already exists.
Entering two consecutive spaces in the middle of a paragraph causes the cursor to jump to the end of the paragraph. The issue is reproducible with version 2015.1.401 (and not reproducible with Q3 2014) Steps to reproduce: 1. Open the following url in IE11, setting the compatibility mode to IE8 (or in real IE8) 2. Type in a short sentence into the Editor 3. Place the cursor in the middle sentence and hit the space bar (or other char inserting button) twice Result: The cursor will jumps to the end of the sentence.
Web page hangs with long running script error when the Foreground color of table content is cleared in IE11. Steps to reproduce: 1. In IE 11 Go to editor demo 2. Click HTML view and delete everything 3. Copy this into editor <html> <head> <title></title> </head> <body> <table> <tbody> <tr> <td style="color: #000000;">Lorem ipsum</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </body> </html> 4. Go to design mode highlight some text and click on the "Foreground color" button, select the clear choice (upper left) 5. Web page hangs with long running script error. (It has something to do with that style on the TD)
Using the Image Map Editor to create a mapped area over the entire image, causes the image to be unelectable.
If the content contains html, head and body tags (Full HTML editing), and switching to Design mode causes a slightly slower rendering. If the same HTML is used directly in the, the design mode renders as expected.
As the selection changes when typing inside textbox, JavaScript errors are being thrown.
For example, checkboxes with plain text as labels before them do not appear selected in RadEditor: HTML: Checkbox: <input type="checkbox" />
Using the desktop MS Word, pasting is fine. Using the Online version, the HTML gets messed up with plenty of unneeded DOM attributes and additional elements. It would be best if pasting provides a cleaner HTML as it is when pasting form the desktop MS Word.