Last Updated: 07 Apr 2021 12:52 by ADMIN

RadDockLayout cannot persists its state if contains more than 9 docks.

Code to reproduce (if one of RadDocks is removed the state will be persisted properly):

            <telerik:RadDockLayout runat="server" ID="RadDockLayout1" EnableLayoutPersistence="true" RenderingMode="Lightweight"
                LayoutPersistenceRepositoryType="Cookies" LayoutRepositoryID="repID20210406_1">
                <telerik:RadDock RenderMode="Lightweight" ID="RadDock1" runat="server"
                    UniqueName="RadDock1" AutoPostBack="true">
                        dock 1
                <telerik:RadDock RenderMode="Lightweight" ID="RadDock2" runat="server"
                    UniqueName="RadDock2" AutoPostBack="true">
                        dock 2
                <telerik:RadDock RenderMode="Lightweight" ID="RadDock3" runat="server"
                    UniqueName="RadDock3" AutoPostBack="true">
                        dock 3
                <telerik:RadDock RenderMode="Lightweight" ID="RadDock4" runat="server"
                    UniqueName="RadDock4" AutoPostBack="true">
                        dock 4
                <telerik:RadDock RenderMode="Lightweight" ID="RadDock5" runat="server"
                    UniqueName="RadDock5" AutoPostBack="true">
                        dock 5
                <telerik:RadDock RenderMode="Lightweight" ID="RadDock6" runat="server"
                    UniqueName="RadDock6" AutoPostBack="true">
                        dock 6
                <telerik:RadDock RenderMode="Lightweight" ID="RadDock7" runat="server"
                    UniqueName="RadDock7" AutoPostBack="true">
                        dock 7
                <telerik:RadDock RenderMode="Lightweight" ID="RadDock8" runat="server"
                    UniqueName="RadDock8" AutoPostBack="true">
                        dock 8
                <telerik:RadDock RenderMode="Lightweight" ID="RadDock9" runat="server"
                    UniqueName="RadDock9" AutoPostBack="true">
                        dock 9

                <%--The state will be persisted of you comment the dock below--%>
                <telerik:RadDock RenderMode="Lightweight" ID="RadDock10" runat="server"
                    UniqueName="RadDock10" AutoPostBack="true">
                        dock 10


Last Updated: 31 Jan 2018 12:03 by Matt Howeson
When a RadDock control is dragged to the bottom of a page, the page will start scrolling.
Last Updated: 15 Feb 2017 15:32 by ADMIN
The size of a dock is increased a bit each time it is dropped and the  EnableAnimation="True".

Video: https://www.screencast.com/t/LoUJbAb8c

Set EnableAnimation="False"

Steps to reproduce:
1. Run the following code.
2. Swipe the first and second dock several times (Test 1 and Test 2)

                <telerik:RadDockZone ID="Zone1" runat="server" Height="500px" Orientation="Horizontal" Width="400px">
                    <telerik:RadDock RenderMode="Lightweight" runat="server" Height="110px" Width="140px" ID="RadDock1" Title="RadDock A" DefaultCommands="None" DockMode="Docked"
                        EnableAnimation="True" EnableRoundedCorners="True" Skin="Silk">
                            <div style="background-color: blue; width: 110px; color: white">
                                Test 1
                    <telerik:RadDock RenderMode="Lightweight" runat="server" Height="110px" Width="140px" ID="RadDock2" Title="RadDock B"
                        DefaultCommands="None" DockMode="Docked" EnableAnimation="True" EnableRoundedCorners="True" Skin="Web20">
                            <div style="background-color: red; width: 110px; color: white">
                                Test 2
                    <telerik:RadDock RenderMode="Lightweight" runat="server" Height="110px" Width="140px" ID="RadDock3"
                        Title="RadDock C" DefaultCommands="None" DockMode="Docked" EnableAnimation="True" EnableRoundedCorners="True" Skin="Web20">
                            <div style="background-color: green; width: 110px; color: white">

Result: The width of the first two docks is different than the one which has not been dragged (Original)

Expected: The width of all docks remains the same.