Last Updated: 13 Apr 2019 08:35 by ADMIN
The RadTooltip and RadTooltipManager do not display tooltips like the default browser tooltips, if the tooltips are "nested".

Consider HTML like this

My name is <span class="app" title="Person Tooltip">Mathyß<a class="noteLink criticalRight" id="RqoTeiLink_a" title="Der Notelink Tooltip"><sup>a</sup></a> Schwertzenbachen</span>, and I live somewhere. 

If you tooltipify this HTML then only the "outer" tooltip is displayed all the time. When using just the browser, then it displays correctly the "inner" tooltip when you hover over the link.

As the behaviour is not consitent with the browser (and other Tooltip libraries) this should be fixed.
Last Updated: 01 Nov 2013 13:06 by ADMIN
Telerik version - 2011.1.614.35

RadToolTip issue seen on Chrome (version 28.0.1500.95) and Safari (version 5.1.7)

The RadToolTip doesn’t align properly with the control that was hidden initially.
i.  There is a label control inside the RadGrid header template, that has RadToolTip attached.
ii.  On page load, the column is hidden.
iii.  The column is made visible when a particular button is clicked (client side event).
iv.  When the cursor is hovered over this column for the first time, the tool tip is seen at a distant place away from the label.
v.  However, when hovered again, it is seen properly aligned with the label control
Last Updated: 30 Jun 2016 13:21 by ADMIN
Created by: Andrea
Comments: 1
Category: ToolTip
Type: Feature Request
Many controls have items tooltip (RadComboBox, RadListBox, etc...) and every time is a pain to bind data in.

You could implement support to "DataToolTipField" .....
Last Updated: 30 Jun 2016 12:58 by ADMIN
When we have templates the generation of the clientIDs is dynamical. If some controls are removed and added back to the controls collection their clientIDs are changed. We can give a reference to the control in the Add method and onprerender the ToolTipManager could find their ClientIDs.
 E.g. the following demo: is not working when we have DrillDown.
Last Updated: 14 Jun 2021 10:51 by ADMIN
Created by: Marin Bratanov
Comments: 2
Category: ToolTip
Type: Feature Request
When creating tooltips dynamically it is possible that on a given condition some of them should not be shown anymore. A reference to them can be obtained through the manager (getToolTipByElement(HTMLelement)  method), but they cannot be removed. Calling dispose() removes the handlers, but the JavaScript object remanis, so re-adding a tooltip for the same element is not easily possible. There should be a method like removeToolTipByElement(HTMLelement) or removeToolTip(RadToolTipInstance) that will also remove the JavaScript object, popup element, etc.