Last Updated: 22 Sep 2021 13:19 by ADMIN
Created by: UXWorks
Comments: 0
Category: DateRangePicker
Type: Feature Request
Add the ability to put the start and end date in a single input box, not requiring two boxes.
Last Updated: 22 Sep 2021 13:22 by ADMIN
Created by: UXWorks
Comments: 1
Category: DateRangePicker
Type: Feature Request

I'm really disappointed with how basic the functionality is that rolled out with the new DataRangePicker. At a minimum, I thought you would include these two pieces of functionality:

  • A section where we can customize or show preset ranges a user can select from, such as yesterday, today, last week, this week, last month, this month, etc.
  • The ability to put the start and end date in a single input box, not requiring two boxes

Other competitors and systems have these and I would have thought they would have been out of the box.

Attached are a few screenshots.