(copy of Selection bug MultiColumnComboBox in UI for ASP.NET AJAX | Telerik Forums)
2. Enter "ha" select some records
3. Hover mouse over any of dropdown records
4. Click out of the dropdown to close it
5. Textbox keeps "ha" but the message below reads that You have selected Thomas Hardy whose ID is AROUT. They are a Sales Representative at Around the Horn however, nothing has been selected.
Is it expected ?
If it's a bug and having a long cycle to fixing bugs could you recommend any workaround?
Code to replicate the issue:
<telerik:RadMultiColumnComboBox ID="RadMultiColumnComboBox1" runat="server">
<telerik:RadToolTip runat="server" ID="RadToolTip2" Title="Company Short Name" TargetControlID="RadMultiColumnComboBox1" ShowEvent="OnFocus" Width="200px" Position="MiddleRight">
Tooltip Content
Next, focus on the MultiColumnComboBox, but the ToolTip won't show.
When items with different values have the same text, a postback is not triggered when selecting another item with the same text as the current selection. The workaround is to place the following script under the ScriptManager:
Telerik.Web.UI.RadMultiColumnComboBox.prototype._shouldPostbackOnChange = function myfunction() {
return true;
Reproduction code:
<telerik:RadMultiColumnComboBox ID="RadMultiColumnComboBox1" DataKeyNames="Additional" runat="server" DropDownWidth="Auto" AutoPostBack="true" >
<ClientEvents OnSelect="OnSelect" />
<%--<telerik:MultiColumnComboBoxColumn Field="ID"></telerik:MultiColumnComboBoxColumn>--%>
<telerik:MultiColumnComboBoxColumn Field="Name"></telerik:MultiColumnComboBoxColumn>
<telerik:MultiColumnComboBoxColumn Field="Additional"></telerik:MultiColumnComboBoxColumn>
function OnSelect(sender, args) {
//alert("selection changed");
// Workaround
Telerik.Web.UI.RadMultiColumnComboBox.prototype._shouldPostbackOnChange = function myfunction() {
return true;
public class MyClass
public int ID { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Additional { get; set; }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!IsPostBack)
RadMultiColumnComboBox1.DataSource = Enumerable.Range(1, 20).Select(x => new MyClass()
ID = x,
Name = "Same Item text" ,
Additional = "DataKey#" + x
RadMultiColumnComboBox1.DataTextField = "Name";
RadMultiColumnComboBox1.DataValueField = "ID";
Currently, the only example for setting up virtualization is with .svc service.
Load on demand feature is requested in multicolumn combobox
Milind Shevade