Last Updated: 20 Feb 2023 13:11 by JeffSM
Created by: Lou
Comments: 1
Category: MaskedTextBox
Type: Feature Request

Hi, I would like to request that you add the ability to show/hide a hidden password similar to this: https://www.telerik.com/support/kb/aspnet-ajax/textbox/details/showpassword-button-for-radtextbox-with-textmode-password

This feature should be built into the toolkit, and not require custom coding.

Last Updated: 11 Jun 2021 14:14 by ADMIN
Created by: Swathi
Comments: 2
Category: MaskedTextBox
Type: Feature Request



Here is what I am trying to achieve is to make the text fill the mask from the right rather than from the left.


If my mask is #(###)###-#### and my Prompt Char is _, Then this is what I expect to happen 

If I enter 11 digit number I expect to show (1)(222)-333-4444. If I enter 10 digit number I expect to show _(222)-333-4444.

The API for the Masked Text Box control has NumericRangeAlign property that should allow this to happen but setting this property value to RIGHT or LEFT has NO visible effect.