add findById client-side method to RadWizard and/or RadWizardStepCollection objects in order to find steps by id. This would also be useful server-side instead of using FindControl
For complex wizard setups, some later steps can be dependent on choices a user makes on some initial tabs. For the RadWizard, it would be nice to be able to dynamically show and hide the tabs and steps from the User based on their choices (from client-side or server-side code). This would make the control a ton more useful and capable. Thanks.
It's a simple addition but it would be very useful. Currently I can address WizardSteps inside the wizard by index only, like that: WizardSteps[1]. I want to be able to address WizardSteps by step Title, like that: WizardStep["Review"]
I would like to request the feature
Microsoft's addition of asp:CreateUserWizard is most welcome it covers the typical UX of every site however its not pretty.
A quick win for you is to have in one of your blogs a post showing reskining it with the depth of your controls.
An initial colouration can be used with telerik:RadFormDecorator this is clunky as below.
<telerik:RadFormDecorator ID="RadFormDecorator1" Runat="server" DecoratedControls="All" DecorationZoneID="ContentPlaceHolder1_CreateUserWizard1" Skin="Sunset" />
What would be nice is a <telerik:CreateUserWizard/> with the option of selection the MS standard backend or other third party IAM providers such as Google/Azure/Telerik/KeyCloak-OAuth
Just that Telerik would come out the box with Internationalization sorted.
Currently the only way to do anything with the default RadWizard navigation buttons (Cancel, Previous, Next, Finish) is to change the localization of them. Doing this workaround, however, will lose you the option to have any reasonable form of localization in your program. So this is a request to add templates to allow developers to create their own sets of buttons, and expose control of the area to developers completely so they may instead redesign the whole area if they wish.
Would be great if the "isbreak" option like in the radtabstrip is also available for the radwizard tabstrip. See attached image (created by your colleague btw)
Would be great to have a SingleClick and SingleClickText property for Cancel, Next and Finish buttons on the RadWizard in the same manner as normal RadButtons. Testing a project which is complete except for an issue where the user is able to submit many times by pressing the Finish button in quick succession. Tried this but did not work for me:
When nesting several RadWizard controls with different orientation they are mixing there styles in Lightweight (e.g. Vertical in horizontal). The problem occurs only in Lightweight, the Classic rendered Wizards are rendered properly. Code to reproduce the problem: <telerik:RadWizard runat="server" ID="StaticWizard" RenderMode="Lightweight"> <WizardSteps> <telerik:RadWizardStep Title="1.0 Step"> <telerik:RadWizard runat="server" ID="NestedStaticWizard1" NavigationBarPosition="Left" ProgressBarPosition="Left" RenderMode="Lightweight"> <WizardSteps> <telerik:RadWizardStep Title="1.01 Sub-step"></telerik:RadWizardStep> <telerik:RadWizardStep Title="1.02 Sub-step"></telerik:RadWizardStep> <telerik:RadWizardStep Title="1.03 Sub-step"></telerik:RadWizardStep> <telerik:RadWizardStep Title="1.04 Sub-step"></telerik:RadWizardStep> <telerik:RadWizardStep Title="1.05 Sub-step"></telerik:RadWizardStep> <telerik:RadWizardStep Title="1.06 Sub-step"></telerik:RadWizardStep> </WizardSteps> </telerik:RadWizard> </telerik:RadWizardStep> <telerik:RadWizardStep Title="2.0 Step"></telerik:RadWizardStep> <telerik:RadWizardStep Title="3.0 Step"></telerik:RadWizardStep> <telerik:RadWizardStep Title="4.0 Step"></telerik:RadWizardStep> <telerik:RadWizardStep Title="5.0 Step"></telerik:RadWizardStep> <telerik:RadWizardStep Title="6.0 Step"></telerik:RadWizardStep> </WizardSteps> </telerik:RadWizard>