Won't Fix
Last Updated: 20 Jun 2020 21:51 by ADMIN

RadClientDataSource does not update the data properly when bound to EntityDataSource. The proper data is displayed only of first load (when the data is fetched via _kendoDataSource.read()), but not after an update (e.g. a page change)

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Open https://demos.telerik.com/aspnet-ajax/clientdatasource/functionality/binding-to-datasourcecontrols/defaultcs.aspx
  2. Do either one of the following
     - Change to page 2 and go back to page 1
     - Hitting refresh loses all data
     - Edit multiple values before saving -> many of them are lost
     - Upon save, the old data reappears before being updated.

Result - the Grid is not bound with the correct data