Currently, the only way to set the TextColor for the RadNumericInput is to extract the ControlTemplate and set the TextColor of the internal NumericInputEntry component.
A simple and quick fix is to add a TextColor BindableProperty to the RadNumericInput control and use a TemplateBinding on the NumericInputEntry style
It would be nice to be able to change the color of the NumericInput.
Please consider adding 2 bindable property : ButtonBorderColor and ButtonContentColor.
I can't use this control as it is. I had to create my own control.
It should be easy to implement IMHO.
Best regards
Samsung numeric keyboards insert minus sign after the second stroke of a multi-functional button. This restricts Samsung end users to directly insert minus in the RadNumericInput because the control reacts on the beforehand entered decimal separator. We should improve our logic in order to handle this type of input. Available in the 2018 R2 SP release.