Last Updated: 07 Dec 2020 10:30 by ADMIN
 In Tab1 I have a DataGrid and in Tab2  I have also a DataGrid with data.

When you click on the change data button the data will change in Tab1 and Tab2. But when for example Tab2 is visible then the data in Tab1 is not updated when you go to that tab. When you resize the app then the data becomes visible.
Last Updated: 30 Sep 2020 13:34 by ADMIN
Created by: Gustavo
Comments: 1
Category: DataGrid
Type: Feature Request
 Add the capability to apply separate SortDescriptors per Group
Last Updated: 04 Sep 2020 17:00 by Brad
Created by: Brad
Comments: 2
Category: DataGrid
Type: Bug Report

If you use a TrueType font for the DataGrid column's OptionsButtonFontFamily, it is not respected and falls back to a default OS font.


The only workaround at this time is to create a custom column HeaderTemplate with a custom options button and hide the default options button.

<dataGrid:RadDataGrid x:Name="dataGrid" ...>
        <dataGrid:DataGridTextColumn x:Name="productNameColumn" PropertyName="ProductName">

                        <Label Text="Name" TextColor="Black"/>

                        <Label FontFamily="MyCustomFont.ttf#MyCustomFont"
                                    TextColor="Orange" HorizontalOptions="End" HorizontalTextAlignment="End" Grid.Column="1">
                                <TapGestureRecognizer Tapped="TapGestureRecognizer_Tapped"/>
                <dataGrid:DataGridColumnHeaderStyle OptionsButtonFontSize="0" FilterIndicatorFontSize="0"/>

In the code-behind, we use reflection to access the column's command context and invoke the options menu via DataGrid command service.

public partial class YourPage : ContentPage
    private readonly MethodInfo generateOptionsTapContextMethodInfo;

    public YourPage()

        this.generateOptionsTapContextMethodInfo = this.dataGrid.GetType().GetMethod(
            BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);

    private void TapGestureRecognizer_Tapped(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (this.generateOptionsTapContextMethodInfo != null)
            // Get a reference to the column, this is needed to invoke a command
            var context = this.generateOptionsTapContextMethodInfo.Invoke(
                new object[] { this.productNameColumn });

            // Invoke the command service that opens the options button


Last Updated: 27 Aug 2020 11:10 by Mahmoud
For example: When I enable DataGrid LoadOnDemand it's loading infinitely for a static list of 3 records.
Last Updated: 27 Aug 2020 11:12 by Mahmoud
The horizontal scrollviewer is not visualized initially when the column header text is longer than the columns' text. Still, tapping on any item makes it possible to scroll.
Last Updated: 08 May 2020 10:08 by ADMIN
changing the item source of the data grid based on the picker option, but the app crashes at that time when changing data grid cell values
Last Updated: 17 Apr 2020 06:04 by ADMIN
If you open the filtering UI of a TextColumn, start typing into the "Enter filter criteria" field and press "Reset" or "Filter", the filtering UI is closed, still, the soft keyboard is not hidden.
Last Updated: 28 Jan 2020 11:29 by ADMIN

When you edit a value of a certain item of the DataGrid and keyboard is displayed, while the focus is still in the input and the row is scrolled away, the keyboard will stay open on Android.

In addition, if you return back to the edited cell, the row will display as if it were on focus, the cell shows the editor underline, the keyboard is still open, but there will be no focus.  You will be required to click on the cell to get focus again.

Lastly, only on Android 5.1, if the edited value is a number, when you scroll the cell out of view, the keyboard changes from the numerical to alphanumerical (default).

Last Updated: 29 Jan 2020 13:56 by ADMIN
Created by: Chris
Comments: 1
Category: DataGrid
Type: Feature Request
Currently, Datagrid Columns do not have a Style property. This makes setting the style for multiple data grid columns cumbersome since the styles must be set on each column. If DataGridColumn could extend NavigableElement or have a bindable style property then the following XAML could be used to set the column styles on an entire table.

<Style TargetType="telerikGrid:DataGridColumn">
        <Setter Property="HeaderStyle">
            <telerikGrid:DataGridColumnHeaderStyle TextFontSize="11" TextFontAttributes="Bold" BorderThickness="1" BorderColor="LightGray"/>
        <Setter Property="CellContentStyle">
            <telerikGrid:DataGridTextCellStyle FontSize="10"/>

Last Updated: 24 Jan 2020 08:56 by ADMIN
Created by: Chris
Comments: 0
Category: DataGrid
Type: Feature Request
Add the ability to set an editor when using a template column.
Last Updated: 19 Dec 2019 08:36 by ADMIN
Created by: OLIFEL
Comments: 1
Category: DataGrid
Type: Bug Report

You can reproduce this by changing input language to any region that uses a comma decimal separator (e.g. Duetsch). The comma is ignored, ultimately corrupting the data

Last Updated: 29 Nov 2019 14:19 by ADMIN
When starting a cell edit, it is desired to have all the text selected, so the user can easily replace the current text without having to delete it. 
Last Updated: 07 Nov 2019 08:58 by ADMIN

If you define a PropertyGroupDescriptor in XAML or in page constructor and the PropertyName is set to a nested property, the grouping is not applied.

Grouping by a nested property works correctly when called from the Filtering UI or on a button click action.

Last Updated: 25 Oct 2019 11:08 by ADMIN
Created by: Mani
Comments: 1
Category: DataGrid
Type: Feature Request

I have designed  datagrid like weekly signin details
But i required datagrid with sub header like , 
Please provide better solution to design for sub header with main header


Last Updated: 15 Oct 2019 09:34 by ADMIN

Column names in column selector are not visible in Android the first time the column selector is shown. This happens only in the case UserFilterMode is disabled. 

Last Updated: 24 Sep 2019 14:10 by ADMIN
Created by: Giovanni Rojas
Comments: 1
Category: DataGrid
Type: Feature Request

when using automatic column generation you don't have easy access to the column being created so that you can apply customizations (Header, style, etc).

Please implement the same event that UI for WPF has, see it here: https://docs.telerik.com/devtools/wpf/controls/radgridview/events/column-resize-event#autogeneratingcolumn

Last Updated: 19 Sep 2019 07:46 by ADMIN

I have tried to change the cell background color programatically .

This is Perfectly Working on Android Devices.

But,this not working on iOS devices.

Please provide better solution to solve this issue.

below i have attached the xmal and .cs file

Last Updated: 11 Sep 2019 11:09 by ADMIN
When the DataGridPickerColumn ItemsSource property is bound to a collection not part of the business object used for the DataGrid, and ItemDisplayBindingPath is used, null reference exception is raised when selecting items in the picker.
Last Updated: 19 Aug 2019 09:58 by ADMIN
When display is on high resolution screen (MS surface book screen 3000*2000 with 200% scale) the DataGrid is not resized correctly.  See attachments. 
Last Updated: 07 Aug 2019 14:40 by ADMIN
Applying custom filter to the datagrid and removing column at the same time disables the horizontal scrollbar - in scenario when the content of the column is bigger than the screen size.