Last Updated: 06 May 2020 07:09 by ADMIN
Show a tooltip with the indicator value when users tap on indicators (needle, shape).
Last Updated: 25 Nov 2019 09:32 by ADMIN
Created by: Ofer
Comments: 0
Category: Gauges
Type: Feature Request
Add ability to use a custom DataTemplate for indicators so it is possible to display indicators with several colors and indicators with custom images in them.
Last Updated: 21 Nov 2019 11:03 by ADMIN
Created by: Ofer
Comments: 0
Category: Gauges
Type: Feature Request

Improvements need to be made and new API introduced in order to solve some indicator rendering issues and allow more scenarios to be achieved. At the moment indicators may get clipped when near the edges of the axis.

Different layout modes may be implemented so that the gauge ensures its elements will not get clipped. Also API for desired axis-indentation and manually setting axis-indentation will allow for a number of scenarios, for example aligning gauges in a column, and allowing to precisely determine the absolute position of a value on the axis, which allows easy interactivity.

Last Updated: 29 Mar 2018 11:53 by ADMIN
Created by: Stefan Nenchev
Comments: 0
Category: Gauges
Type: Feature Request

Last Updated: 21 Mar 2023 12:55 by ADMIN
Created by: Lance | Senior Manager Technical Support
Comments: 2
Category: Gauges
Type: Bug Report
Using a DynamicResource to set the GaugeRange Color property does not work:

<!-- does not work -->
<gauges:GaugeRange Color="{DynamicResource GrayBackgroundColor}" ... />

Using a StaticResource works as expected:

<!-- works -->
<gauges:GaugeRange Color="{StaticResource GrayBackgroundColor}" ... />

Using DynamicResource for Indicator Fill works as expected.
Last Updated: 14 Nov 2017 09:47 by ADMIN
Created by: Stefan Nenchev
Comments: 0
Category: Gauges
Type: Feature Request
Currently, the values of the labels are the numeric values according to the Step set. You can set a LabelFormat but no further customization to the value can be applied. We can consider exposing a LabelFormatter(as in the Chart axis) where you can control the value of each different label.
Last Updated: 23 Apr 2021 18:45 by ADMIN
Created by: Hien
Comments: 0
Category: Gauges
Type: Feature Request
Provide numeric (digital) Gauge control similar as in our WPF suite: Gauge: Numerical Scale
Last Updated: 22 Mar 2018 09:47 by ADMIN
Created by: Lance | Senior Manager Technical Support
Comments: 0
Category: Gauges
Type: Feature Request
Feature request to provide touch support for the Gauge control and the ability to find the element the user has tapped over such as: ranges, indicators, etc