currently Week ViewMode is not available on UWP .it will be helpful to display only the business days in the calendar
When changing the device orientation to a landscape mode, the all-day timeline cell does not resize as expected. The all day text moves the the date cell.
When changing the view mode from Day to MultiDay or opposite, and having an AppointmentTemplateSelector, exception is thrown on iOS.
Return the default template when platform is iOS.
if(Device.RuntimePlatform == Device.iOS)
return default;
An arrow is displayed inside the appointment in cases when:
- when editing the appointment star end date and navigating to another week and then returning back to the week with the modified appointment
- adding new appointments to the week
When adding a RadCalendar with Day ViewMode in a TabView and switching tabs, null ref exception is thrown.
Workaround: Set TabView.IsContentPreserved to True
Currently there are areas in the MultiDayView that cannot be styled using the background color. Provide an option to set a background color to the entire the MultiDayView:
When in DayView, the calendar renders appointments in a TimeRuler. Currently, AppointmentTapped is the only way to get user interaction when the user makes a selection in the time ruler, so there has to be an appointment there. This feature request is to also have an event for when the user taps on a time slot that doesn't contain an appointment. Something like: TimeRulerSelectionChanged.
Available in minor release 2018.2.821. It will also be available in the R3 2018 release.
Provide a new view similar to Day/MultiDay View with horizontal timeline - in this way it would be easier to accommodate more appointments for a certain timeslot.
This timeline would be scrollable vertically to fit as many calendar events as needed, and horizontally to fit all time frames.
Provide a way to remove the appointment time display in Calendar AgendaView both on Android & iOS - on iOS there is a separate column for appointments' time that should be removed.
when using DayViewSettings and applying AppointmentTemplate, the template is not applied, the default one is applied.
Workaround: apply AppointmentTemeplate to MultiDayViewSettings for UWP.
Available in the R3 2018 SP release.