If you have a project that has a dependency on: Xamarin.AndroidX.RecyclerView
It will cause a Release build failure due to Telerik.XamarinForms.DataControls using the wrong type in the renderer (AndroidX's RecyclerView instead of v7.Widgets's RecyclerView).
Here is the build error clarifying that it cannot find a `HasStableIds` property/method:
Error Mono.Linker.MarkException: Error processing method: 'System.Void Telerik.XamarinForms.DataControlsRenderer.Android.ItemsControlRenderer::OnElementAttached(Telerik.XamarinForms.DataControls.ItemsControl)' in assembly: 'Telerik.XamarinForms.DataControls.dll' ---> Mono.Cecil.ResolutionException: Failed to resolve System.Void AndroidX.RecyclerView.Widget.RecyclerView/Adapter::set_HasStableIds(System.Boolean)
You can use the attached project to reproduce the problem. Be sure to have the following settings:
Uninstall Xamarin.AndroidX.RecyclerView
There is a need for a WebView with embedded address bar. The scenario where this will be useful is an app that redirects to certain web pages without going out of the app, so these pages should be navigated within the app with a WebView containing the address bar.
Please add 3D charts with nice navigation capabilities: Zoom In/Out, Rotation, ...
It would be very helpfull to have some demo projects showing how to use UI for Xamarin in XAML
This can be reproduced using an image with binding for its source.
If the source data has only zero values initially, when the values are changed, the chart does not update its axis range. Available in minor release 2017.3.927. It will also be available in the R3 2017 SP release.
When there are only two items in the ItemsSource and users reorder them, the underlying collection is not reordered Edit: Avalable in R3 2017 SP release.
When the SelectionMode of the RadCalendar is Range and you have set a MaxDate - you should not be able to select dates after the MaxDate. However, swipe-selecting cells which are disabled is working. Available in the R3 2018 SP release.
Gauges (Linear and Radial) will understand the end-users to easily comprehend data on their mobile devices.
TreeMap control will easily allow the end-user to understand the complex proportions that a set of data can have for its records.
Xamarin Forms needs a control with which you can build tinderstyle apps. In XF terms this would be a CarouselView that share you can do no-animated page shifts to simulate infinite scrolling. And optional page indicators would be nice to, for other app styles. Available in the R3 2017 release. More information you can find here: http://docs.telerik.com/devtools/xamarin/controls/slideview/getting-started/slideview-getting-started
add support for ListView to enable load on demand for forms version, also enable pre-load in background option so the user will not have to wait while scrolling down for new results to append.
At the moment, our Xamarin.iOS/Xamarin.Android controls are not available in the respective toolboxes to be dragged and dropped on the phone design surface. Including them there will enhance the experience and avoid user confusion.