This exception reproduces if the Behaviors collection is not empty. The exception could be reproduced also in other cases when a behavior UI tries to update. Available in LIB version: 2017.2.605
Office2016, Office2016Touch, Material ChartPalettes are now available for Silverlight. Available in LIB version: 2017.2.605
MaxRangeSpan is not reflected by the mouse wheel. The chart continues to zoom despite of having the MaxRangeSpan set. COMPLETED: With 2015 Q1 the chart will have a MinZoom property which will make it possible to specify the maximum the chart can be zoom out.
MaximumRangeSpan is not initially respected from the chart. Only the PanZoomBar is. Use chart's Zoom property in order to workaround it. COMPLETED: With 2015 Q1 the chart will have a MinZoom property which will make it possible to specify the maximum the chart can be zoom out.
Available in LIB version: 2014.3.1124
When the Visibility of a PanZoomBar is set to Collapsed and the RadChartView is resized, and then the Visibility is set back to Visible, the PanZoomBar doesn't show.
If setting the LegendSettings from within a style, a memory leak may occur when the series is removed from the chart (for instance this happens when refreshing the source of the ChartSeriesProvider). A work-around is to set the LegendSettings through an attached property so that each series has its own LegendSettings: <Setter Property="local:ChartUtilities.LegendTitle" Value="some title" />
Labels are incorrectly positioned when using SmartLabelsStrategy, BarSeries and a ChartSeriesLabelDefinition without Margin. A work-around is to set a Margin different than 0.
Bar series, legend and palette. Exception when changing the ItemsSource