HtmlPlaceholder is renderred incorrectly in ChildWindow
The control is misplaced when you zoom in/out the browser window. To work this around you can manually calculate and set the top and left positions of the HTML presenter. this.htmlPlaceholder.Loaded += (sender, args) => { this.htmlPlaceholder.LayoutUpdated += htmlPlaceholder_LayoutUpdated; }; private void htmlPlaceholder_LayoutUpdated(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(delegate { double controlTop = GetTop(); double controlLeft = GetLeft(); htmlPlaceholder.HtmlPresenter.SetStyleAttribute("top", controlTop + "px"); htmlPlaceholder.HtmlPresenter.SetStyleAttribute("left", controlLeft + "px"); }); }
The control is misplaced if it's inside a GridRow/Column and there's the browser zoom is different than 100%. The fix will be available in the Q1 2015 Official Release.
SetProperty fails on HtmlPresenter.
"Value does not fall withing the expected range" exception is thrown when displayed in a tooltip in a RadMap
RadHtmlPlaceholder does not respect the EnableAutoZoom property.
Does not display properly when placed in StackPanel.
The control doesn't work in Safari
When placed in a horizontal PanelBar, the HtmlPlaceholder is not rendered.
DECLINED: Duplicate with
The HtmlPlaceholde does not respect the applied Scale Transformations.
MouseWheel does not work when setting an HtmlSource. Reason for declination: The feedback item is declined due to duplication with the one below: Please follow it instead.
When placed in scrollviewer and browser is resized in order to appear the scrollbar, HTMLPlaceHodler doesn`t render correctly. The issue can be reproduced in both scenarios - setting the HtmlSource or SourceUrl property.
Make it easier to use the HtmlPlaceholder w/ scripts. Much like the WebBrowser control API.